Five: Tel Aviv.
Tel Aviv, Israel's second largest city, is the country's financial hub.
特拉维夫是以色列第二大城市,以色列金融中心 。
But that doesn't mean you should skip coming here because there's lots see and do,
especially if you're into nightlife.
如果你喜欢夜生活,那就千万不要错过 。
Tel Aviv is known as a party city, as one that doesn't sleep.
特拉维夫被誉为“派对城市”,这实在是个不夜城 。
The city is home to the national opera and philharmonic orchestra.
这里有国家歌剧院和交响乐团 。
Several travel publication surveys rank the city among the best place to visit in Israel;
it's also famous for being LGBT friendly.
这里还是“LGBT”的天堂 。
Its Mediterranean beaches are some of the world's best.
这片地中海沙滩是全世界最棒的 。
The city has several outstanding museums,
including Beth Hatefulsoth that tells the story of Jewish persecution over the ages.
包括大流散博物馆,它为我们讲述耶稣受难的故事 。
Four: Eilat.
Eilat is an ancient city on the Red Sea that's served as a port city since the days of King Solomon.
埃拉特是红海古城,所罗门时代起开始成为港口城市 。
Eilat is Israel's southernmost city.
它还是以色列最南端的城市 。
Its sumptuous beaches and an arid climate contributes make it a major resort city.
沙滩景色优美,气候干爽宜人,它绝对是主要旅游城市 。
It has some of the best diving in the world,
likely due to the beautiful coral reef located here.
原因是这里富饶的珊瑚礁群 。
If you dive, expect to see an astounding array of sea life.
如果您选择潜水,水下多样的海洋生物一定让您大饱眼福 。
Other attractions include King City, a high-tech Bible-based family theme park;
bird watching, Eilat is on the main migration route between Europe and Africa;
and Timna Valley Park, home to Solomon's Pillars and the world's oldest copper mine.
此外还有提姆纳河谷公园,园内有许多所罗门时期石柱,以及全球最古老的铜矿区 。
Three: Dead Sea.
The Dead Sea got its name for a reason.
称其为死海是有原因的 。
It's almost 10 times as salty as the ocean,
making it a harsh environment for anything to grow in.
所以这里寸草不生 。
And at 400 meters (1,400 feet) below sea level,
it's the lowest elevation on land.
因此它也成为了海拔最低的大洋 。
For thousands of years; the salt and minerals from its water are used in cosmetics.
数千年以来,死海中的盐分和矿物质一直用来制作化妆品 。
Dead Sea water and mud have medically proven benefits,
putting severe skin diseases and joint problems into long-term remission.
它可减轻严重皮肤病和关节疾病病症 。
All the luxury hotels along the coast have health spas,
which are often booked solid for months ahead.
预约通常几个月前就已满额 。
Two: Masada.
Situated on a high plateau in southern Israel overlooking the Dead Sea,
Masada was the last Jewish holdout to fall to Rome at the end of the First Jewish–Roman War.
在第一次犹太战争结束之时,马萨达是最后一片遭罗马帝国征服的犹太地区 。
Masada was first fortified by Herod the Great in the late first century BC.
公元前一世纪末,大希律王首先进行防卫的就是马萨达 。
In 66 AD, Sicarii Jewish patriots captured the fortress from the Romans,
who tried to take it back seven years later.
而七年后,罗马人还试图夺回这片土地 。
Rather than live under Roman rule, the 900 Sicarii opted for mass suicide.
他们没有在罗马人统治下苟且偷生,900名短剑党人士选择了集体自杀 。
Today Masada is a symbol of ancient Israel and one of the best examples of Roman fortifications remaining.
如今的马萨达是古代以色列的象征,这里还保留着许多罗马时期的堡垒要塞 。
There's a cable car for those who don't fancy taking one of the various different paths that lead up the hill.
如果不想选择其它交通工具上山,游客可以选择坐缆车 。
One: Jerusalem.
The heart of Israel beats strongly at Jerusalem,
one of the oldest cities in the world.
它是世界上最古老的城市之一 。
Though it's known as the City of Peace, it has a violent history.
尽管这里被誉为“和平之城”,但这里曾饱受战乱 。
It's been attacked 52 times, destroyed twice and besieged 23 times.
这里曾遭52次攻击,两次遭到毁灭,23次遭到围攻 。
It is considered a holy city by three major religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
这里被看作是三大宗教的圣城,分别是犹太教、基督教以及伊斯兰教 。
Its historic old city is divided into four quarters: Jewish, Christian, Armenian and Muslim.
历史老城分成了四块,分别是犹太、基督、亚美尼亚以及伊斯兰区 。
Here you can walk in Jesus' footsteps on the Via Dolorosa' pray at the Western Wall;
see the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, where Christians believe Jesus is buried,
and tour the Tower of David, a medieval citadel.
还有中世纪城堡大卫塔 。