It's almost summer where we live, and my garden is looking pretty nice, if I do say so myself.
And it looks like there are lots of bugs and birds who agree!
Let's see, we've got butterflies… hummingbirds...some ants...and look!
There's a bee, busy gathering nectar!
还有蜜蜂,它们在忙着采蜜 。
Do you remember what we learned about bees the other day, Squeaks? You're right!
吱吱,你还记得某天我们学过的关于蜜蜂的知识吗?答对了 。
They collect the sweet nectar from flowers
它们从花上采集甘甜的花蜜 。
And as they fly from flower to flower, they also do another important job!
They spread little fluffy pieces called pollen.
它们传播着一种叫花粉的小绒毛 。
When pollen from one flower gets into another flower, the plant can make more seeds to grow into new plants!
花粉从一朵花传播到另一朵花上时,植物能结出更多的种子,长出更多的新植物 。
So bees can be really important for plants to make new baby plants.
所以蜜蜂对于植物繁殖来说非常重要 。
Which means they're great for keeping our garden healthy and growing!
这对我们花园的健康和成长也有好处 。
We want to attract even more bees to our garden, so we're going to build a bee house.
我们想要吸引更多的蜜蜂到我们的花园里,所以要建一个蜂房 。
And we can find most of the supplies we need in our recycling bin!
我们可以在回收箱里找到所需的大部分材料 。
What's that, Squeaks? It doesn't look like a bee hive to you?
吱吱,那是什么?它看起来不像你的蜂巢 。
You're right! It's not a beehive. A lot of bees do live in big hives, like this.
你说得对 。这不是蜂巢 。许多蜜蜂都住在这样的大蜂巢里 。
These hives have lots of bees working together to collect food and make more bees.
这些蜂巢里的许多蜜蜂协同工作来采集食物,孵化更多的蜜蜂 。
These kinds of bees build their own homes out of the wax they make from honey.
这种蜜蜂用蜂蜜做的蜡建造自己的家 。
They lay their eggs in the hive to keep them safe.
为了保证安全,它们在蜂巢里产卵 。
But there are also lots of bees that live on their own, instead of in a big group in a hive.
但也有很多蜜蜂独居,而不是在大蜂巢里群居 。
The Mason bee is a type of bee that lives on its own, and that's the kind of bee we'll be building a bee house for.
梅森蜂就是独居的蜜蜂,我们需要为这种蜜蜂建立蜂房 。
Mason bees are really common in the northern part of the world, like in North America, Europe, and Asia.
梅森蜂在北半球如北美、欧洲和亚洲很常见 。
So if you live in a place where there are Mason bees, you can build a bee house for them, too!
所以如果你住的地方有梅森蜂,你也可以为它建个蜂房 。
The house will give the bees lots of good hiding places to lay their eggs.
蜂房可以为蜜蜂产卵提供很好的藏身之地 。
Normally, they look for holes in trees, or cracks in rocks, or anywhere they can squeeze into.
正常情况下,它们会找树洞、岩石缝儿或任何它们能挤进去的地方产卵 。
Once they find a good hole, they gather nectar and store it in the hole, pollinating lots of plants along the way.
它们一旦找到了一个好的孔洞,就会采集花蜜储存到洞里,这一路上也为许多花授了粉 。
Then they lay their eggs with the stash of nectar, seal up the nest with mud,
and go out looking for another space to hide more eggs.
然后外出寻找其他地方来藏更多的卵 。
When the baby bees hatch, they spend the winter in the hole,
eating up the stored-up nectar, growing into strong, healthy adult bees.
它们吃掉所有储存的花蜜,长大成为强壮、健康的成年蜜蜂 。
And in the spring, they chew through the mud and finally go out into the world!
到了春天,它们嚼开泥土,最终来到外面的世界 。
Sometimes it's hard for Mason bees to find a place to lay their eggs.
But a bee house is full of little tubes of paper, perfect for a bee to build its nest!
虽然蜂房就是一些小纸筒而已,确是蜜蜂筑巢的完美场所 。
Mason bees hardly ever sting, so as long as you don't bother them, they probably won't bother you.
梅森蜂几乎从不螫人,只要你不惹它们,它们就不会惹你 。
But some people are allergic to bee stings, so check with a grown-up before you build your bee house.
但有些人对蜂蜇过敏,所以你在建蜂房前,要找个大人检查下 。
Here's what you'll need to build it:
A clean tin can with the top cut off, a whole bunch of scrap paper, a pencil, tape, some toilet paper rolls, and some glue.
一个干净去顶的锡罐,一大堆废纸,一支铅笔,一卷胶带,一些大圈纸筒和胶水 。
First, cut your scrap paper so it's a little shorter than the can, like this.
首先,剪废纸,使它比锡罐短些,就像这样 。
Roll up the scrap paper around a pencil.
用铅笔把废纸卷起来 。
Try and wind each piece of paper around the pencil at least 5 times.
每一张纸至少在铅笔上缠5圈 。
The walls need to be thick so the baby bees stay warm over the winter.
纸壁要厚,这样小蜜蜂在冬天能保暖 。
Tape the paper, take it off the pencil, and then start wrapping the pencil with more paper.
把纸粘在一起,抽出铅笔,然后用铅笔卷更多的纸 。
You'll need about 30 little tubes of paper to fill the can.
你大约需要30个小纸筒来填充锡罐 。
Once you have a lot of little tubes made, I already made mine.
做好了很多小纸筒之后,我已经做好了 。
Cover the bottom of the can with some glue, like this, and then put the two toilet paper rolls into the can.
在锡罐底部涂上胶水,就像这样做,然后把两个大圈纸筒放在锡罐里 。
The rolls are in there to keep the little tubes from rattling around too much.
这些大圈纸筒用来防止小纸筒太大晃动 。
Fill in the empty space around the toilet paper rolls with tubes first.
先在大圈纸筒周围的多余空间塞上小纸筒 。
Make sure they stick really well in the glue and add more glue if you need too.
确保它们都粘牢了,如果你需要的话也可以多加些胶水 。
Then fill the rolls with even more tubes!
然后大圈纸筒里也塞满小纸筒 。
Keep going until everything fits snugly, but the tubes aren't squished together.
直到所有的东西都紧贴在一起,却不会相互挤压 。
Then, find a sunny spot, about 3 feet off the ground, to put your bee house.
然后,找一个离地3英尺、有阳光的地儿放你的蜂房 。
Have a grown-up help you attach it really well to the spot you pick.
找个大人帮忙,在你选好的地儿把它固定好 。
You don't want it to wobble around or fly away in the wind!
因为你不希望它在风中摇摆或飞走吧 。
Now, watch and wait for Mason bees to move right in!
If bees do start laying eggs in your bee house, you'll probably see the paper tubes plugged up with mud, like this.
如果蜜蜂开始在你的蜂房里产卵,你可能会看到纸筒里塞满了泥巴,就像这样 。
It means there are baby bees inside, growing and getting ready to leave the nest in the spring!
这意味着里面有小蜜蜂正在成长,准备在春天离开巢穴 。
It's very important that you don't touch or move the bee house!
It's dangerous for you and for the bees!
If your bee house attracts some bees, next year your garden will be buzzing with lots of helpful critters!
如果你的蜂房吸引了一些蜜蜂,明年你的花园就会多出很多有益的昆虫 。
Thanks for joining us today, and thanks to Google Making Science for helping us make this episode.
感谢您收看本期节目,也感谢"Google Making Science"对本期的大力支持 。
Did you make a bee house of your own? We would love to see it!
你自己做过蜂房吗?我们很愿意看到它 。
Leave a comment down below or send us an email to kids@scishow.com!
Thanks, and we'll see you next time! Here at the Fort!