It's finally summer!
Squeaks and I are going to go outside as much as we can to play in the park and go for hikes in the woods.
我和Squeaks要尽量外出,去公园玩或去森林远足旅行 。
We love looking at all the trees, flowers, and plants.
我们喜欢观察所有的花、树及各种植物 。
And we're not only looking at plants!
We have to look out for some kinds of plants too.
也要小心一些植物 。
One of these plants is poison ivy.
这些植物中有一种叫做毒葛 。
Poison ivy is a plant that grows in most of North America, especially in the United States and Canada.
毒葛生长在北美大部分地区,尤其是在美国和加拿大 。
And for most people, touching poison ivy causes a rash that can be red, bumpy, and super itchy.
对于大多数人来说,接触毒藤会引起红色疹子,它们凹凸不平而且超级痒 。
That rash comes from a thick, sticky liquid that poison ivy plants make in their stems and leaves.
这种疹子是由毒葛茎叶产生的浓且粘稠的液体引起的 。
But even though the name "poison ivy" has the word "poison" in it, it's not actually poisonous.
尽管毒葛中含个毒字,但它实际没毒 。
Most people are just allergic to it.
大多数人只是对它过敏而已 。
You might have heard of allergies before.
你以前可能听说过过敏这个词 。
Maybe you have a friend who's allergic to peanut butter, or maybe you have an allergy yourself.
你可能有朋友对花生酱过敏,或你自己有过敏症 。
When someone has an allergy, that means their body reacts to whatever they're allergic to, which is called an allergen.
当人们有过敏症时,意味着他们的身体对他们所过敏的东西做出反应,这种引起过敏的东西叫做过敏原 。
The allergen might not normally be dangerous,
but their body gets confused and thinks that it's dangerous and tries to fight it off.
但人体可能会困惑,认为它是危险的,并试图消灭它 。
Lots of people can eat peanut butter and be totally fine,
but in someone who's allergic, their body thinks peanut butter is dangerous.
但对一些过敏的人来说,他们的身体认为花生酱是危险的 。
And that's why they have an allergic reaction.
这就是他们有过敏反应的原因 。
The same thing happens with poison ivy.
毒葛也同理 。
The liquid in poison ivy's stems and leaves has a special oily chemical in it that most people are allergic to.
毒葛茎叶中的液体中有一种特殊的油性化学物质,大多数人会对它过敏 。
So if you touch poison ivy, your body thinks there's something dangerous on your skin and tries to destroy it.
如果你接触毒葛,你的身体会认为皮肤沾染上了有毒物质并试图毁掉它 。
Your skin gets all red, and you might also end up with bumps or blisters, which are lumps filled with liquid.
你的皮肤全变红了,你也可能会起小疙瘩或是水疱,它们都是内充液体的小包 。
And these lumps itch! But if you do get a rash from poison ivy, try not to scratch it!
这些小包致痒!但是如果你因为毒葛而起包,不要挠它 。
Scratching can make the itching worse,
and if your fingernails break the skin, germs can get into your body.
而且一旦你的指甲划破了皮肤,细菌就会进入你体内 。
Instead, you can use cool water or special lotions to keep the rash from itching while it heals.
相反,愈合时,你应该用冷水或特殊的洗液止痒 。
It usually takes 1-3 weeks to go away.
通常1-3星期,疹子就会消失 。
Of course, the best way to avoid an itchy poison ivy rash is to avoid the poison ivy plant!
当然,为了避免引起发痒的毒葛疹子,最好还是远离毒葛 。
So, whether you're out in the woods or even just chasing a ball that rolled into the weeds,
it's a good idea to keep an eye out for plants that look like poison ivy.
都最好留意那些看起来像毒葛的植物 。
Poison ivy looks like this for most of the year.
毒葛一年大部分时间都是这样的 。
Its leaves grow in groups. Let's count the number of leaves in each group!
它的叶子成簇生长 。让我们数数每簇叶子的个数!
One...two...three! Yup! Poison ivy leaves grow in groups of three.
一、二、三...耶,毒葛三片叶子成一簇 。
You can use this little rhyme to help you to remember what poison ivy looks like:
你可以用这个小押韵来帮你记住毒藤的样子 。
leaves of three, let it be!
三片叶子成一簇就是毒葛 。
Now, not all plants that have leaves in groups of three are poison ivy,
but if you're not sure, it's better to leave those alone, too.
如果你不确定的话,干脆所有的都远离 。
In the fall, the leaves on the poison ivy plant still grow in groups of three, but they turn bright red.
到了秋天,毒葛仍是一簇三叶,但它们的颜色变成了鲜红色 。
And like lots of other plants, poison ivy leaves fall to ground in winter.
和许多其他植物一样,到冬天,毒葛叶子就会落到地面上 。
What's lelt behind is sometimes vine, that's look like this.
有时剩下的是藤蔓了,就像这样的 。
Thick, and kind of hairy looking.
细且多毛 。
Since the vine also makes that oil, you shouldn't touch it either.
由于这些藤蔓也能产生那种油,你也不能碰 。
If you do accidentally touch a poison ivy plant,
you should wash your hands with hot soapy water as soon as you can.
你应该尽快用热肥皂水洗手 。
And since the oil can get on anything else that touches the plant,
like clothes, you should make sure to wash them, too.
比如衣服,你也要清洗它们 。
Oh, and even though animals don't get the rash,
they can carry poison ivy oil on their fur,
so it's a good idea to keep your pets away from poison ivy.
所以最好让你的宠物也远离毒葛 。
But there's no reason to let poison ivy stop you from getting outside this summer.
但毒葛并不是阻止你夏天外出的理由 。
Just keep your eyes open for those leaves of three, and let them be!
只要睁大你的眼睛小心那些三叶植物,管它呢 。
Thanks for joining us at SciShow Kids!
感谢收看儿童科学秀 。
What's that, Squeaks?
Oh yeah, make sure to hit the subscribe button so you don't miss out on our next adventure, here the Fort!
噢,对了,如果你不想错过我们的下次旅程,一定要按订阅键哦,我们在沃斯堡等你 。
Thanks guys, see you next time!