Covering a half-acre with hanging flowers,
the oldest known wisteria in Japan is the centerpiece of this brilliantly pastel-colored flower park.
在这个色彩柔和而丰富的花卉园里,最为核心的花卉是日本最古老的紫藤 。
Located in Tochigi, Japan, just over an hour train ride from Tokyo is Ashikaga Flower Park.
足利花卉公园位于日本枥木县,距东京仅一个多小时的火车车程 。
The park spans 23 acres and is home to more than 350 wisterias and other flowers.
该园面积23英亩,拥有350多棵紫藤及其他花卉 。
The colors vary depending on the flowering season, from pinks and purples, to yellows and whites.
公园的颜色随花季而变,由粉变紫、变黄、变白 。
Some features of the park include the wisteria tunnel and floating gardens,
but the pride and joy of Ashikaga Flower Park is the Great Miracle Wisteria.
The 140-year-old sprawling tree is located in a place of pride, right in the center of the park.
这棵140高龄遮天蔽日的紫藤树位于公园的中心,是公园的骄傲 。
After nightfall, the site is lit up so these draping flowers can be seen at all hours.
夜幕降临,公园的灯光渐次点亮,以便人们能够随时观赏 。
The vivid yellow wisteria begins blooming at the start of May and is the only one of its kind in Japan.
五月初,娇艳欲滴的黄紫藤开始盛开,此处是日本唯一的黄紫藤 。
The park is a year-round attraction with seasonal plants
that creates an ever-changing sense of magnificence as nature puts on a show.
创造出了一个变幻不息的壮丽景观,仿佛大自然在表演一般 。