You're watching BBC World News. I'm Babita Sharma, our top story.
您正在收听BBC新闻,我是芭比塔·沙玛,新闻头条 。
Donald Trump's son and son-in-law have been called to testify next week before two separate Senate committees.
唐纳德·特朗普的儿子和女婿双双接到传唤,下周将分别在两个参议院委员会前作证 。
They will both be questioned about allegations of Russia interfered in the U.S. election and colluded with the Trump campaign.
他们都将回答俄罗斯干扰美国大选并勾结特朗普竞选团队的相关问题 。
News just in. The Republican senator for Arizona, John McCain has been diagnosed as brain cancer.
即时新闻 。亚利桑那州的共和党参议员约翰·麦凯恩被确诊患有脑肿瘤 。
The eighty-year-old Republican has been recovering from surgery and doctors are saying that he is recovering well.
这名八十岁的共和党人术后正在恢复,医生表示他恢复得不错 。
And this story is trending at bbc.com.
现在来看bbc.com报道 。
IVF will be used for the first time to try and save one of the world's most endangered species from extinction--northern white rhinoceros.
人们将首次使用体外受精来拯救世界最濒危的物种之一——北白犀 。
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