Voice 1: There have been some improvements. But the violence continues. But why does this violence continue? Why do people let it continue?
声音1:现在情况有了一些改善 。但是暴力事件仍在持续 。为什么暴力事件还在发生?为什么人们会允许暴力发生?
Voice 2: Esther suggests that people need to teach respect. They need to teach respect to their children and their communities. They need to practice respect with the men and women they see. Every person deserves respect; men, women, children, and even people who are different than we are. If people do not practice and show respect communities everywhere will suffer.
声音2:埃丝特表示,人们需要学会尊重 。他们需要教育孩子和社区居民学会尊重 。他们要尊重他们遇到的男性和女性 。所有人都应该得到尊重:无论是男性、女性、孩子,还是和我们不一样的人 。如果人们不表现出尊重,那所有地方都会遭受痛苦 。
Voice 1: Today’s program ends with a message from Amnesty International.
声音1:我们用国际特赦组织传递的信息来结束今天的节目 。
"Violence against women is a violation of human rights. It cannot be proved right by any political, religious, or cultural claim. A global culture of disrespect toward women lets violence happen every day. The criminals who do this violence go unpunished. Amnesty International calls on you to help us stop violence against women. We call on you to help women to live lives where they are equal and have honour. Stop violence against women."
“针对妇女的暴力是违反人权的行为 。这种行为在任何政治、宗教和文化主张中都不能证明是正确的 。不尊重女性的全球文化导致暴力每天都在发生 。犯下这种暴力行为的罪犯没有受到惩罚 。国际特赦组织呼吁大家帮助我们阻止这种针对女性的暴力 。我们呼吁大家帮助女性过上平等、有尊严的生活 。请停止对妇女使用暴力 。”