Or can we perfect it? And can it change.
我们能否完善它? 它能否改变?
This work relies on or these ideas rely on the work of Thomas Sowell.
这个工作或者说这些观点 基于Thomas Sowell的成果
Thomas Sowell, Harvard class of 58, now at Stanford, the Hoover Institute.
Thomas Sowell 哈佛58届学生 目前就职斯坦福的胡佛研究院
One of my intellectual heroes. And what he does and what his work does is basically explain.
我心中的一位知识分子英雄 他的工作和作品的贡献在于解释了
Why people choose to back one political party versus the other; why they choose to live one kind of life versus the other.
人们为什么会选择一个党派反对另一个 为什么会选择一种生活方式摒弃另一种
This single book helped me understand myself better as well as other people better.
这本书帮助我更好地了解自己 更好地了解别人
Whether it's politically, whether it's psychologically, whether it's philosophically.
不论是政治上 心理上还是哲学观上
Those of you who are interested in politics and there is one book you want to read.
对政治感兴趣的同学 如果说有一本书是必读的
After you read Marva Collins of course, it's this. So what does Thomas Sowell say.
读完Marva Collins的作品后 就是这本 Thomas Sowell所执的观点是什么?
Essentially what he does is divide people into two camps those who hold constrained vision.
他把人分成两个阵营 那些认为本性受约束
The limited vision; and those who hold the unconstrained.
有局限性的观点的人 和认为人性不受约束
The unlimited vision of human nature. People who hold constrained vision of human nature.
无局限性的观点的人 认为人性受约束的观点的人
Believe that human nature cannot be changed; it's immutable we have certain instincts.
相信人性无法改变 它是永恒的 我们有一些本能
We have certain inclinations. They are fixed. This is it.
有一些欲望 它们是固有的 无法改变
What you see is what you get. What you are born with or were born with.
是什么样就是什么样 作为人的物种
As species, is all we have. The flaws that are out there are inevitable.
只有与生俱来的东西 我们的缺陷不可避免
They cannot be changed. We need to accept them for what they are.
无法改变 不论好坏 我们只能接受
That's the only thing we can do with these flaws. And people who have the constrained vision think.
我们只能接受缺陷 执有人性受约束的观点的人认为
That our instincts, our inclinations, our basic nature is immutable, accepted.
我们的本能 欲望 我们的本性是永恒的 唯有接受
And then what they do, rather than resign, they channel it. How do they channel it.
但他们没有屈服 而是加以引导 如何引导?