日期:2016-12-21 10:08



How are you feeling? He asked. Those who got it.

他问你们感觉如何? 得到的说

Ecstatic! Happiest we've ever been. And How long are you going to stay happy for.

喜出望外 我们没从这样快乐过 你们的快乐会持续多久?

For the rest of our lives. We've made it.

余生都会倍感快乐 我们成功了

And then he went to those who didn't get tenure and asked them, How are you feeling.

然后他去找没得到终身职位的并问 你们感觉如何?

They were devastated. And they were sure that.

他们很难过 而且确信

They were going to remain devastated for a very long time. And he went back to see them three months later.

会难过好久 三个月后 他再去访问他们

Six months later. And what Gilbert and his colleagues found.

六个月后再去 Gilbert和他的同事发现

Was that almost to the person, those who got tenure or did not get tenure.

几乎每一个人 不管得到还是没得到终身职位

Went back to their previous level of well-being: If they were happy before.

都恢复到之前的幸福水平 如果他们之前是快乐的

They were happy six months hence; if they were unhappy before.

六个月后也是快乐的 如果他们之前是不快乐的

Regardless whether they get tenure or not, they were not happy.

不管他们是否得到终身职位 他们都是不快乐的

In other words, it looks like this and went back to base level or; it looks like this and back to base level.

换言之 情形看似这样 然后回到基础水平 或者看似这样 然后回到基础水平

They did the same with lottery winners. What if you really win ten million dollars.

他们对中彩票的人做了同样的研究 如果你真得中了一千万美元

Will it actually make you happier? Yes for a while, but not for long.

真得能让你更快乐吗? 是的 更快乐一段时间并不长久

Philip Brickman, Northwestern University did this research. After within 6 months.

西北大学的Philip Brickman做了这个研究 经过六个月




