Voice 2: These are all good things for people to do. It is important to preserve the natural resources of the earth. And it is good to take a part in helping the environment. Talk to your friends. Let them know how they can make their eco-footprints smaller. You can also write to your government officials. Encourage them to reduce the size of your country’s eco-footprint.
声音2:这些都是对人们好的事情 。保护地球的自然资源非常重要 。为保护环境出一份力是件好事 。和你的朋友们谈谈 。让他们知道减少生态足迹的方法 。你还可以给政府官员写信 。建议他们减少国家的生态足迹 。
Voice 1: Each person has a part in keeping the earth healthy. When one person reduces their effect on the earth, other people may follow. Christians believe that God put humans in charge of caring for the earth, his creation. God wants people to live in balance with the earth and not harm it. He wants all people to enjoy his creation for all time.
声音1:每个人都在参与保持地球健康 。当一个人减少他对地球的影响以后,其他人便会效仿 。基督教徒相信,上帝让人类负责照顾他的造物——地球 。上帝希望人们和地球和谐共处,不去伤害地球 。他希望所有人能一直享受他的造物 。