Voice 1: After the war, people came from the church to help, to advise. They offered hope. They encouraged people in Dresden to help each other and to work hard. The Christian Bible would show them how to live. And people had to learn to live with little. And God would help them. But these people had much to think about. The fire had destroyed the most important Christian place in Dresden, the 'Church of Our Lady'.
声音1:战争结束以后,教会人员提供了帮助和建议 。他们带来了希望 。他们鼓励德勒斯登民众互相帮助,努力工作 。基督教圣经会告诉他们如何生活下去 。人们必须学会在几乎一无所有的情况下生活下去 。上帝会帮助他们 。但是这些人有很多事情要考虑 。大火摧毁了德勒斯登最重要的基督教堂——圣母教堂 。
Voice 2: Five years earlier, bombs destroyed another important church. It happened in the city of Coventry, in England. German airplanes bombed Coventry in 1940. The bombs killed many people and destroyed the main church. People were shocked, and angry. They wanted to fight back.
声音2:五年前,炸弹摧毁了另一座重要的教堂 。被毁的教堂位于英国考文垂市 。1940年,德国飞机轰炸了考文垂 。轰炸造成多人死亡,主要教堂被毁 。人们既震惊又愤怒 。他们要反击 。
But one man resisted the desire to fight back. He was Richard Howard. He was the chief priest of the ruined church in Coventry. He said:
但是有一个人拒绝反击 。他就是理查德·霍华德 。他当时是考文垂被毁教堂的大主教 。他说 。
Voice 3: 'Do not fight back. We must build a more simple, more kind, and more Christian world'.
声音3:“不要反击 。我们必须建造一个更简单、更友好、更虔诚的世界 。”
Voice 1: This was not an easy message. Terrible things were happening in the war: people were being murdered in camps because of what they believed.
声音1:这不是一个容易接受的信息 。战争中一直在发生可怕的事情:人们因为他们的信仰在兵营里被杀害 。