Voice 2: Looking at life in a more real way does not mean that you have to stop trying your best! It simply means accepting what your best is. It is possible to have high expectations. It is possible to work to your best ability. And it is possible to accept yourself at the same time!
声音2:用更真实的方式看待人生并不意味着你要不再竭尽全力!这只是让你接受你最好的状态 。可以有高目标 。可以充分发挥你的才能 。同时也可以接受你自己!
Voice 1: Cindy Russell is another recovering perfectionist. She knows that a healthy balance is important. She says,
声音1:辛迪·拉塞尔也是一位“恢复正常的完美主义者” 。她知道健康的平衡非常重要 。她说,
Voice 4: 'God wants us to work towards perfection. He understands when we are not perfect. There is forgiveness'.
声音4:“上帝想让我们达到完美 。在我们不完美时,他也能理解 。这就是宽恕 。”
Voice 2: In most people's minds God is perfect. This makes us wonder how people can ever connect with God! Many religions encourage people to try to be perfect — to get closer to God. Christian belief is different. When someone becomes a Christian they accept that they will never be perfect! Their connection with God is through Jesus Christ, who is perfect. They believe that his life and death brings them forgiveness. This makes them acceptable to God. They become perfect in His eyes through Jesus Christ.
声音2:在大部分人的心中,上帝是完美的 。这让我们怀疑人类怎么能和上帝联系到一起!许多宗教都鼓励人们变得完美,以更接近上帝 。可是基督教的信仰却不同 。人们成为基督教徒以后,他们会接受他们永远不可能完美这个观念!他们通过完美的耶稣基督和上帝联系 。他们认为,他的生和死给他们带来了宽恕 。这让他们被上帝所接受 。通过耶稣基督,他们在上帝的眼中变得完美 。