Voice 2: English uses the word 'perfectionist' in two ways — one good, one bad. We call some sports people 'perfectionists.' They work hard for the best possible result. They try to perform perfectly in a competition. People say that artist Michelangelo was a perfectionist. Maybe this quality helped him create some of his masterpieces, his beautiful art. And we depend on some perfectionist's high expectations! For example, we would want a heart doctor to perform perfectly on our hearts. A small mistake could result in death! These kinds of perfectionists have high expectations. They aim to succeed in life. But mostly, they know their limits. Many of us would like some of the qualities from this kind of perfectionist!
声音2:“完美主义者”这个词在英语中有两种用法:一种褒义,另一种是贬义 。我们称一些体育运动员是“完美主义者” 。因为他们拼尽全力去获得最好的成绩 。他们在比赛中尽力去完美表现 。人们说艺术家米开朗基罗是一个完美主义者 。也许这种特质帮助他完成了他的一些杰作,帮助他创造了美丽的艺术 。而且我们还要依赖一些完美主义者的高要求!比如,在做心脏手术时,我们希望心脏科医生能表现完美 。因为一个小小的错误就会导致生命的损失!这类完美主义者有很高的期望 。他们的目标是在生活中获得成功 。但是通常情况下,他们知道自己的极限 。我们大部分人都想拥有这些完美主义者身上的特质!