Voice 2: Darren Laur is a policeman in Canada. Darren and his wife, Beth, began teaching women about self defence in 1993. Since then, they have taught thousands of women valuable ways to defend themselves. Here are a few things Darren and Beth suggest to stay safe.
声音2:达伦·劳尔是加拿大的一名警察 。达伦和他的妻子贝丝从1993年开始教授女性如何自卫 。他们目前已经向数千名女性传授了保护自己的重要方法 。下面是达伦和贝丝对保持安全提出的几项建议 。
Voice 1: First, always be alert. That is, you should observe the environment around you. Ask yourself questions like: 'Am I near a busy street?' Or, 'if I am attacked, how can I escape?' Staying alert is especially important if you are alone. Attackers are less likely to attack a person who looks alert.
声音1:首先,时刻保持警惕 。也就是说,你应该观察周围的环境 。问自己这样的问题:“我是在繁忙的街道上吗?”或者“如果我遭遇袭击,我怎么才能逃脱?”自己一个人时,保持警惕尤为重要 。袭击者不太可能攻击一个看起来很警觉的人 。
Voice 2: Second, listen to your 'sixth sense.' All people have five senses: tasting, smelling, seeing, feeling and hearing. But a person's 'sixth sense' is not a physical sense. Instead it is a mental feeling. Have you ever felt like you were in danger? This feeling is your 'sixth sense.' Self defence experts believe that this feeling is very important. This feeling of danger is often a sign that something is wrong.
声音2:第二,倾听自己的“第六感” 。所有人都有五种感官:味觉、嗅觉、视觉、触觉和听觉 。而一个人的“第六感”并不是身体上的感觉 。而是一种心理感觉 。你有没有曾经感觉到自己处于危险中?这种感觉就是你的“第六感” 。自卫专家认为,这种感觉非常重要 。这种危险感通常是出现问题的信号 。
Voice 1: If you believe a person may be following you, listen to your sixth sense. Turn around. Look at the person. How tall is he? What is he wearing? Look directly at his eyes. Make sure he sees you. This sends him a message. It tells him that you are alert. These may seem like simple or unimportant things. But being alert and listening to your sixth sense can help you avoid becoming a victim.
声音1:在你认为有人跟踪你时,你要倾听自己的第六感 。转过身去看着那个人 。他有多高?他穿着什么?直视他的眼睛 。确保他看见你了 。这会给他传递一个信息:你非常警觉 。这些也许看上去是简单又不重要的事 。不过保持警觉和倾听自己的第六感能帮助你避免成为受害者 。