"I believe in you. You can do well. You can succeed. Take responsibility for your life. Stop blaming. Stop blaming the government.
"我相信你 你能做好 你能成功" "承担生活的责任" "停止抱怨 停止抱怨政府"
Stop blaming your teachers. Stop blaming your parents. It is up to you to succeed. " And she continues with this message over and over and over again.
"停止抱怨老师 停止抱怨父母" "成功与否全在你自己" 她继续不断地重复着这则信息
Having really high expectations of her students, looking at what they are good at, their strength and cultivating those.
她对学生们充满期望 把眼光放在他们的长处 和优点上 并而加以培养
Miracles begin to happen. These students, considered by many of the teachers to be"unteachable"- these "unteachable" ones by the time that they are in.
奇迹开始发生了 这些被老师认为是"不可教"的学生 到了四年级便可以读
Fourth grade are reading Euripides, Emerson and Shakespeare. These "unteachable" ones at the age of 10 are doing high school mathematics.
欧里庇得斯 爱默生和莎翁的作品 这些"不可教"的学生在十岁时 便可以做高中的数学
Now rumor begins to spread about Marva Collins, because how can she keep these students in class for so long, when all the other students are just trying to get out of school?
关于Marva Collins的谣言开始传播 她怎能让这些学生在教室里呆这么长时间 而其他学生却想着离开学校?
She must be using force. And Marva Collins has enough of these rumors, leave the public school system, opens up her own school.
她一定是在强迫他们 Marva Collins受够了谣言的中伤 她离开公共学校成立了自己的学校
In her own kitchen with 4 students and initially, two of them her own kids. Gradually, more and more students join the Marva Collins school.
就在她的厨房里 开始只有四个学生 其中两个是她的孩子 逐渐地 越来越多的学生进入了Marva Collins学校
Westside preparatory she calls it. All the students that initially joined the school are public school dropouts.
她称之为西岸小学 一开始进入这间学校的学生 都是从公共学校退学的