I think I don't need to explain to you why there is one lecture in the semester that I don't teach and Sean will teach it. And that is the lecture on humor.
我想我不需要跟你们解释 为什么这学期有一节课不是我教而是Sean教的 而那节是讲幽默的
Figure out why yourselves. I do think you'll have to walk and talk if you are teaching something. The syllabus.
你们自己想想为什么 我确实认为如果你想教什么你就必须擅长 教学大纲
The class, is to introduce you to my thinking about the class, is what I call it, integrated class.
本课程 是向你介绍我关于这门课程的想法的 是我所谓的 整体的课程
What that means is that integrated vertically as well as horizontally. Vertically means that every class connected to the next class is connected to every class throughout the semester around a spiral.
就是指纵向的整体和横向的整体 纵向意味着每一节课都和下一节课有关系 和整个学期内的每一节课都有关系 呈一个螺旋状
So what we'll talk about next week, we'll revisit it again in lesson 7, lesson 17 and lesson 24.
所以我们下周所讲的内容 我们将在第7课 第17课和第24课里 再回顾一遍
Everything is interconnected on the higher level on a spiral-- in other words will lead to deep understanding and hopefully assimilation of the material. So it's vertically interconnected.
所有内容在一个更高的水平上呈螺旋状互相联系 换言之 会带来深刻的理解和我所希望的对材料的吸收 所以是纵向相互联系的
It's also horizontally interconnected. That means every part of the class reinforces and influences the other part. The lectures, not enough, you'll get a lot more in sections.
同样也是横向相互联系的 就是说课程中的每一部分都强调并影响另一部分 上课还不够 你们在分组作业里面将收获更多
Sections are mandatory. You'll do a lot of work in your sections, very much related to your response papers
分组作业是强制的 你们要在你们的分组里做大量 和你的课后论文相关的工作