You'll identify your strength, whether it's through online test, whether it's through reflection papers.
就是你会认清自己的长处 不管是通过线上测试 通过回应报告
Whether it's in section. You'll think about it whether it's through your readings. Identify the strength.
通过小组学习 还是通过阅读 你都会思考它 认清长处
What are they good at? They set goals for themselves. They were future-oriented.
他们擅长的是什么? 他们为自己设立目标 他们面向未来
Not just thinking about how bad things are today perhaps, but also thinking about "this is where I wanna be 5 years or 10 years from now. "
他们不但思考事情现在有多糟糕 同时也在思考 五年后或十年后的目标
We are going to devote three classes to goal setting, very significant part of resilience. They had a role model.
我们会用三节课谈论设立目标 这是心理弹性的重要组成部分 他们有一个榜样
Someone who they said about "I want to be like her; I want to be like him. " It could be a teacher. It could be a parent, sibling, friend.
他们会说 "我想像她那样 我想像他那样" 榜样可以是老师 可以是亲戚朋友
Sometimes, it was a historical figure or a fictional character, someone that they want to emulate, to be like.
有时候 它是一个历史人物或小说的人物 一个他们可以效仿的人
That gave them strength. That gave them sense of direction. And finally, most significantly, they did not bowl alone. They had social support. They did not say :
榜样给予他们力量 给他们方向感 最后 最重要的就是他们不单干 他们有社会的支持 他们不会说
"well I am tough enough to do it by myself. " Rather they said :"I'm tough enough to reach out for help. " Because that does require certain toughness.
"我够能干 可以自己做" 他们说"我够能干 我可以请求帮助" 因为那确实需要某种能力
The strength to admit weaknesses as well, the strength to admit a need. Now think about these:
还有承认弱点的勇气 承认有某种需要的勇气 想想
Do you have these things here for yourself at Harvard in life? And if not, you can cultivate all of these things, whether it's a social support.
你在哈佛 在生活中你有这些东西吗? 如果没有 你可以培养这一切 不管是社会支持.