早安英文(MP3+文本) 第110期:那些电影中瞎扯淡的场景
日期:2016-09-19 17:56


blow up 爆炸
propane n. 丙烷
eardrums 鼓膜
mortal n. 普通人
knocked out 神志不清
concussion n. 脑震荡

You know how in movies, whenever someone wants to make something blow up, they shoot propane tanks and the things explode in this huge fireball?

Speaking of explosions, you always see guys walking away from explosions
说到爆炸,不知道你有没有注意到这一幕, 有人能够从爆炸现场就这么平安无事地走了出来。

Not to mention, that noise is gonna burst your ear drums.

What do you think is the most exaggerated scene that you can’t bear?

When a guy is knocked unconscious and wakes up later tied to a chair or something.

If you get knocked out for more than 5 minutes, you’ve probably got a concussion or your brain could be bleeding.

So, do you hate these unrealistic exaggerations in the movies?

If you’re the kind of person that needs your facts from movies, you’re an idiot. Movies are meant to entertain us!

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