早安英文(MP3+文本) 第63期:奥斯卡大礼包
日期:2016-08-03 11:34


其实,关于奥斯卡大礼包还有一度曲折的往事。当时,也就是在2001年的时候,这个礼包是有官方发放的,可惜后面被国税局给“税”了,于是官方版的大礼包在2005年就“crack down"了。
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences gave them out to Oscars performers and presenters starting in 2001, but stopped after a crack down by the IRS (more on that later).

Distinctive Assets' gift bags are not officially affiliated with the Academy, but their contents are similarly taxable.

Celebrities have a few options to avoid paying taxes on the bags. They can donate all the stuff to charity, turning their gift bag into a tax write-off; they can keep some and sell or donate the rest; or they can simply refuse to accept the gifts altogether.


有的“donate it to charity"(捐给慈善机构)
有的“donate some+sell some+keep some”(捐一点,卖一点,留一点)
还有的“refuse to accept it"(直接拒收!)

当然,他们中也不乏对于Gift Bag感兴趣的。

曾被提名为最佳女配的演员Queen Latifah就坦白说道,她对于整个颁奖典礼最期待的就是那个大礼包了。

"I'm looking forward to that basket. I can't wait to see what's in it," she was quoted as saying on celebrity news Web site imdb.com. "I don't care how much money you have, free stuff is always a good thing."


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  • crackv. 崩溃,失去控制,压碎,使裂开,破解,开玩笑 n.
  • celebrityn. 名人,名誉,社会名流
  • avoidvt. 避免,逃避
  • academyn. 学院,学术,学会
  • donatevt. 捐赠,转移(电子) vi. 捐款
  • charityn. 慈善,慈善机关(团体), 仁慈,宽厚
  • distinctiveadj. 独特的
  • refusev. 拒绝 n. 垃圾,废物 adj. 无用的