variation n. 变化
assembly line 流水生产线
overcome v. 克服
imagery n. 意象,比喻
There are a lot of American businesses in china. Why are these businesses so popular?
They’re good ideas. That’s what makes these places so successful.
So they’re coming up with ideas no one else has had?
Or variations of one idea.Sure, take McDonald for example. They were the first to use the assembly line idea in the restaurant business. Now it’s used by most fast food restaurants.
They made the entire industry more efficient.
Why is it that American ideas tend to spread all over the world?
We’ve spoken about a melting pot before, that’s got a lot to do with it. These are American ideas but ideas that come form all over the place.
Do you know about Yahoo ? That was started by Jerry Yang from Taiwan.Sergey Mikhaylovich, one of the co-founders of Google was born in Russia and immigrated to America. In fact, according to Forbes 40% of fortune 500 companies were started by immigrants or the children of immigrants.
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