Voice 1: There are also health concerns with betel chewing. Doctor Jin-Heng Li is a specialist at Taiwan's Department of Health. He said,
声音1:嚼槟榔也引发了一些健康担忧 。李进衡(音译)医生是台湾卫生部的一名专家 。他说道,
Voice 3: ‘Over ninety percent of cancer cases in Taiwan are linked to betel-nut chewing. There are even cases of twenty year olds with mouth cancer.'
声音3:台湾的癌症病例中,超过90%与嚼槟榔有关 。甚至有人20岁就得了口腔癌 。
Voice 1: Mouth cancer is not only a problem in Taiwan. The betel nut beauties may only be in this country. But, chewing betel leaves is popular in many pacific and Asian cultures. In particular, risks are great when the betel nuts are combined with tobacco. Health officials would like to see health warnings on betel nut packages.
声音1:口腔癌不仅仅是台湾存在的问题 。槟榔西施可能只有台湾有 。但是,嚼槟榔叶在许多亚太国家非常受欢迎 。槟榔果和烟草结合以后尤为危险 。卫生官员希望槟榔果的包装上标明健康警示 。
Voice 2: However, for many people betel chewing is an important part of social life and customs. In India, ‘pan' is a more common name for betel chews. Here, people have used pan for hundreds of years. In the early Kings' courts, people offered pan as a sign of friendship and love. In the Hindu religion, some people also use it as an offering.
声音2:但是,对许多人来说,嚼槟榔是他们社会生活和习俗的重要组成部分 。印度将嚼槟榔称为pan 。印度人嚼槟榔的历史可以追溯至几百年前 。在早期古印度时期,人们互赠槟榔来表达友谊和关爱 。在印度教中,一些人用槟榔当作供品 。
Voice 1: The pan is different in North and South India. They grind different mixtures with the betel nuts. Some are sweet, some are not. In South India betel leaves play an important part in traditional weddings and celebrations.
声音1:印度北部地区和南部地区的槟榔有区别 。槟榔果搭配的辅料不同 。有些味道是甜的,有些不是 。就印度南部地区来说,槟榔叶在传统婚礼和庆典上扮演着重要的作用 。