In order to please the participants in the class, the students?" That's not what I thought. What I thought about was "what was the class that I would have wanted to take as an undergraduate here?
以便能取悦课程的参与者 这些学生呢?" 那不是我所想的 我所想的是"如果我是个本科生 会想上什么课?
What would help me become happier if I were sitting there?" In other words, thinking from my perspective from very personal perspective. In this class I am going to encourage you.
如果我坐在这 什么能让我更幸福?" 换言之 从我的观点 从非常个人的观点出发 在我们的课上 我会鼓励你们
Of course you'll look at research and read research about other people, about large sample sizes. But I'm going to encourage you more than anything to look inside yourselves.
当然你们可以看和阅读关于别人的研究 有大量的样本 但最主要的 我会鼓励你们去看自己的内心
To study yourselves. Whether it's through response papers that will be due weekly starting in 2 weeks; whether it's in your final project that will be a presentation
去研究自己 无论是通过两周后开始的每周一次的课后论文 还是你们最后的演示作业 你们不用做演示
That you won't have to give but you'll have to write out-- a presentation about your favorite topic or the topic that matters most to you; whether it's in sections that you'll be talking about how can I apply these ideas to my life.
但要写出来 一个关于你最感兴趣的话题 或者对你来说最重要的话题的演示 还是关于如何能把这些观点应用于我的生活
The time-ins are about thinking about how can I take in the ideas and use them. It's about studying ourselves. Because as Carl Rogers says.
"练习时间"是关于如何接受和利用一些观点 是关于研究我们自己 因为正如Carl Rogers所说
"What is most personal is most general." "What is most personal is most general." And as Maslow adds.
"越是个人的东西越普遍" "越是个人的东西越普遍" 正如Maslow所补充
"We must remember that knowledge of one's own deep nature is also simultaneously knowledge of human nature in general." When we understand ourselves better.
"我们必须记住对一个人深层本性的认识 同时也是对普遍人类本性的认识" 当我们更了解自己时
When we identify ourselves, we are better able to identify with others. In fact, this is in many ways the source of empathy, of the healthy empathy.
当我们认识到自己时 我们就更能认识他人 事实上 从许多方面说这是有益移情的来源