This opening up is opposed to closing down that kids have. This notion. This is what I hope will happen in this class. The one real objective of education
这种开放的心态是与封闭相反的 我希望在本课程中会产生这种观念 教育的真正目的
Is to leave a man in the condition of continually asking questions. So here is a longitudinal study that was done by John Carter. John Carter, professor of leadership management of the business school across the river.
是让一个人可以连续发问 所以下面讲讲John Carter所作的纵向研究 John Carter 河对面的商学院的领导管理学教授
Came to Harvard in 1972, joined the faculty and started to follow Harvard class, MBA class of 1973 and followed them through 20 years.
1972年来到哈佛 做了老师并开始关注哈佛的课程 从1973年起一直关注了20年MBA课程
And what he was interested in was to find all the information he could about this class. What he found 20 years later, early 90s when this study ended was these students were extremely successful.
他想尽可能收集所有关于这门课的信息 20年后 90年代初当这个研究结束时 他发现这些学生都极其成功
Or ex-students were extremely successful, students were extremely successful, very wealthy, having a lot of impact, whether it's on the organizations, on the community.
以前的学生都极其成功 学生们都极其成功 非常有钱 有很大的影响力 不论是在组织上 还是社会上
They did extremely well. But within the large group of highly successful Harvard mbas, he found a small group that was extraordinarily successful.
他们都做得极其好 但是在这群极其成功的哈佛MBA里 他发现有一小部分人是格外成功的
More successful than the rest of group, whether in terms of income, whether in terms of impact.
比其它人要更成功 无论是在收入上 还是在影响力上
Whether in terms of overall quality of life. Extraordinarily successful. What he wanted to identify was why--
抑或是在总体生活质量上 格外的成功 他想弄明白其中的原因
What distinguishes this small group from the rest of the pack: very successful, but not quite as successful as that small group. And he found only two things.
这一小部分人和其他人有何区别 其他人也非常成功 但没有那一小组人那么成功 他只找出了两件事