Voice 1: Another target area is the attacker's knee and foot. Feet contain many very small bones. And these bones are easy to break. This particular move is called a ‘stomp kick.' Here is how to do a stomp kick. Raise your knee and leg as high as you can. Your toes should be almost pointing up. Your heel, the back part of your foot, should be pointing down. With your foot raised in this position push your heel quickly into your attacker's knee. But do not stop there. Continue pushing your foot down his leg. When you reach his foot, push your heel down very hard. You can even move your heel in a circle motion.
声音1:另一个目标区域是袭击者的膝盖和脚 。脚部含有有很多细小的骨头 。这些骨头很容易骨折 。这种方法叫做“踩踢” 。下面告诉大家如何踩踢 。尽量把你的膝盖和腿抬高 。你的脚趾应该向上,脚后跟——也就是你的脚后面的部分,应该向下 。在你的脚抬到这种姿势以后,迅速地用你的脚后跟去撞袭击者的膝盖 。这时不要停下来,继续用你的脚去踢他的腿 。用你的脚后跟狠狠地去击打他的脚 。你甚至可以用你的脚后跟来回碾压他的脚 。
Voice 2: Knowing how to defend yourself is only the first step. The second step involves staying calm and intelligent during an attack. If you are attacked, will you know what to do? Self defence experts say that practising self defence moves again and again is important. It helps you to stay calm during an attack. It helps you feel better and act quicker in defending yourself. And it is important that you decide how much damage you are willing to do on your attacker. If you know what you are willing to do, you will not feel guilty hurting your attacker.
声音2:知道如何保护自己只是第一步 。第二步是要在遇到袭击时保持冷静和聪明 。如果你遭遇袭击,你知道要怎么做吗?自卫专家表示,反复练习自卫方法非常重要 。这能帮助你在遭遇袭击时保持冷静 。也可以减少你不舒服的感觉,同时帮助你在自卫时行动更迅速 。决定对袭击者施加多少伤害非常重要 。如果你知道你想做什么,你在伤害袭击者时就不会有负疚感 。
Voice 1: Remember, there is no wrong way to defend yourself against an attack. One self defence expert says: "The only wrong move in self defence is no move at all."
声音1:记住,在遭遇袭击时保护自己不是错误 。一名自卫专家表示:“自卫中唯一的错误行为就是不采取任何举措 。”
Voice 2: Finally, if you are attacked or raped, please tell the police or someone in authority that you trust. Do not let your attacker stay free. Do not let your attacker attack another innocent victim. You do not deserve to be attacked. You deserve respect.
声音2:最后,如果你遭遇袭击或强奸,请一定要报警或向你信任的权威人士举报 。不要让袭击你的人逍遥法外 。不要让袭击你的人再去袭击无辜的受害者 。你不应该遭遇袭击这种事 。你应当受到尊重 。