Listen to this 2 英语初级听力(MP3+字幕) 第4课(3)
日期:2015-10-30 14:20


Section 2
Task 1. What do you like for entertainment?
Well, here I am at the Brooklyn Academy of Dramatic Arts.I'm asking students here about their favourite forms of artistic entertainment. Pop or classical concerts? Art galleries or the theatre? The ballet or the opera?
The first person I'm going to talk to is Benny Gross. Benny comes from New York and he's 20 years old and he's studying the piano. Benny, hello, and welcome to our programme.
Hi, thanks. So, first question, Benny, have you ever been to an art gallery? Yes, lots of times. And the ballet, have you ever been to the ballet? Yes, a few times. It's all right, I quite like it.
And what about classical concerts? Yes, of course, many many times. Erm, next, have you ever been to an exhibition, Benny? Oh, yes, I love going to photographic exhibitions. Do you?
Now, next question, what about a folk concert? No, never. I think folk music is awful. OK. And the opera? Have you ever been to the opera? Yes, two or three times. It's a little difficult but I quite like it.
And a pop concert? No, never. Finally, have you ever been to the theatre. Yes, once or twice, but I didn't like it much.
OK, Benny, now the next thing is, which do you like best from this list of eight forms of artistic entertainment? Well, I like going to classic concerts best because I'm a musician, and I love classic music.
OK and what next? Erm let's see, next, art galleries I think. And then, exhibitions. OK, art galleries, then exhibitions. Then? The theatre? No, I don't think so, I don't really like the theatre.
The ballet? The opera? Well, which do you prefer of those two? The opera. So of the theatre and the ballet, which do you prefer? Erm, the ballet I think because there's the music. I can always enjoy the music if I don't always like the dancing.
Right, well, thanks very much. Benny. You're welcome. My next guest is Kimberley Martins. What are you studying here, Kimberley? Modern dance. I want to be a professional dancer when I leave. OK, so here we go.
First question, have you ever been to an art gallery? Yes, lots of times. And have you ever been to the ballet? Oh, stupid question, I think. Yes, a bit. Of course, I have. I go almost every night if I can.
And what about classical concerts? Yes, there are classical concerts here a lot, the other students perform here and I go those when I can.
What about exhibitions, have you ever been...? Yes, lots of times. I like exhibitions, exhibitions about famous people, dancers, actors, you know.
Mmm, and what about a folk concert? Have you ever been to one of them? No, I don't like folk music very much. What about the opera? No, never. I don't really like opera. It's a bit too heavy for me.
A pop concert? Yes, I saw Modanna once, She was fantastic, she's a really great dancer. And have you ever been to the theatre? Yes, I have. Right,
Thank you Kimberley, my next question is, which do you like best of all? And I think I know the answer. Yes, ballet, of course. After that, exhibitions. And after that, art galleries. OK.
Erm, what's left? Can I see the list? Yes, of course. Erm, let me see. oh, it's difficult, I suppose what next? er, classical concerts, pop concerts, the theatre. Well, I think pop concerts next, I like going to those, then I don't know.
Classical concerts or the theatre? Classical concerts I think. So that leaves the theatre after them. OK? Great. And many thanks for talking to us, Kimberley. You're welcome.

  • performv. 执行,运转,举行,表演
  • dramaticadj. 戏剧性的,引人注目的,给人深刻印象的 dram
  • artisticadj. 艺术的
  • exhibitionn. 展示,展览
  • fantasticadj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的
  • academyn. 学院,学术,学会
  • concertn. 音乐会,一致,和谐 vt. 制定计划,通过协商达成
  • classicn. 古典作品,杰作,第一流艺术家 adj. 第一流的,
  • operan. 歌剧 n. 挪威Opera软件公司的浏览器软件
  • galleryn. 美术馆,画廊,顶层楼座,狭长的房间