CCTV9视频新闻:德国新难民法提前生效 加快遣返不合资格难民
日期:2015-10-27 16:00
Germany introduces tougher asylum rules
德国新难民法提前生效 加快遣返不合资格难民
Facing an unprecedented number of migrants and refugees, Germany has adopted tougher asylum rules, a week ahead of schedule.
面临难以预期的移民,德国新难民法提前一周生效 。
Under the new laws, asylum seekers will be required to stay longer in reception centers, while economic migrants from south-eastern Europe will face quicker repatriation.
新法规定,难民需延长在接待中心的停留时间,与此同时来自欧洲东南部的经济移民将会面临更快的遣返 。
The new asylum rules come as Chancellor Angela Merkel faces pressure from an increasingly disgruntled German public.
面对德国民众的不断升级的不满情绪,德国总理默克尔终于公布此项新举措 。