CCTV9视频新闻:731部队罪证陈列馆新馆建成 再现日军侵华确凿铁证
日期:2015-08-17 14:26
Wartime atrocities by Japanese Army-Unit 731
731部队罪证陈列馆新馆建成 再现日军侵华铁证
In northeast China's Harbin, the newly-built Museum of Wartime Evidence by Japanese Army Unit 731 is set to be opened today to mark the anniversary.
为纪念抗战胜利,我国东北部的哈尔滨日本731部队罪证陈列馆日前已建成新馆于今天正式对外开放 。
In the three-storey museum, visitors can watch evidence of wartime atrocities by Japanese Army unit 731.
在3层的这座新馆内部,游客可以观看到日军731部队战时期暴行的铁证 。