Full-scale invasion by Japan on July 7, 1937
Tuesday marks the 78th anniversary of the beginning of China's eight-year War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.
今年的7月7日是抗日战争爆发78周年纪念日 。
On July 7th, 1937, a crucial access point to Beijing, Lugou Bridge, also known as Marco Polo Bridge, was attacked by Japanese troops.
1937年的7月7日,对马可波罗桥, 即北京卢沟桥而言,日本军队袭击成为至关重要的转折点 。
Historians agree this signalled the beginning of Japan's full-scale invasion of China, though Japan had invaded the northeast in September 1931.
历史学家们认为这一事件标志着日本全面侵华的开始,尽管1931年9月日本就已开始入侵中国东北 。
Remembrance ceremonies will take place on Tuesday to mark the start of the War.
周二将举行抗日战争的纪念仪式 。
Last year, Chinese lawmakers designated September 3rd as "Victory Day" in the War of Resistance.
去年,9月3日就被定为抗战胜利日 。
It's the day after the Japanese government officially surrendered in 1945.
因为1945年的这一天之后,日本政府宣布无条件投降 。