日期:2015-07-15 16:08
Alert issued for month-long heatwave in China
China's weather authorities have issued a yellow alert, marking what's known as "Dog days"-the hottest days of summer.
众所周知夏季最为炎热的“三伏天”已经来临,我国气象当局已经发布黄色警报 。
On Tuesday, a heat wave is predicted to hit the eastern parts of north China, most parts of Huanghuai and the central and western parts of Jianghuai, with temperatures rising to around 37 degrees celsius in some regions.
周二,一股热浪预计将袭击我国东部地区,主要是黄淮大部分地区,江淮中部及西部地区,一些地区气温甚至会升至37摄氏度 。
While the central and southern parts of Hebei Province, Turpan Basin and Tarim Basin are expected to see temperatures soar and settle at 40 degrees Celsius.
河北省中部和南部地区、吐鲁番盆地、塔里木盆地等地区气温预计将升至40摄氏度 。