听夏洛克学地道英式英语(MP3+文本) 第6期:瓢泼大雨rainning cats and dogs
日期:2014-11-30 15:03


1、It's rainning cats and dogs


Every spring in Hangzhou there are many days when it’s raining cats & dogs

2、It’s entirely up to you


It’s up to you


Where would you like to eat for dinner tonight?

“It’s up to you”

3、Whatever you like


What movie shall I put on for us today?

Whatever you like, I’m easy.

4、Try not to


When you’re cooking dinner try not to forget to put the rice on

5、as far as possible


As far as possible let’s try to leave on time. We’re always late!

6、tiny bit


As everyone has probably heard, In the English sense of humor people often say the opposite of what they mean to say something but add some humor to it. For example: If you think something is very ugly, you might often say, wow, I’ve never seen such a beautiful something.


After Watson arrived on the crime scene carrying the laptop for Sherlock he said: You realize this is a tiny bit humiliating. Here he mean’s it’s very humiliating, so he’s feeling embarrassed.

后来华生到达案发现场时和卷福无线视频时他说You realize this is a tiny bit humiliating,在这里他就用tiny bit 表示非常的意思.

7、there is no point in doing something


There’s no point in my wearing nice clothes today, I need to paint the walls.

There’s no point in watering the flowers today, it’s going to rain tomorrow.”



You can hardly blame me for not washing the clothes, I’ve been busy all day.

9、hardly ever do something


I hardly ever go to the beach, and it’s just too far away

  • embarrassedadj. 尴尬的,局促不安的,拮据的
  • blamen. 过失,责备 vt. 把 ... 归咎于,责备
  • scenen. 场,景,情景