有声阅读:Always in My Heart  永驻我心
日期:2009-09-27 15:31


It was cold, extremely cold. The devilish howls of the wind did not make me feel any better. In fact, it taunted me with strong gales of freezing air, biting through my skin. I shuddered. Thunderous growls from angry storm clouds shook the world around me, accompanied by illuminated streaks of lightning that forcefully struck and destroyed everything.

For once, I felt this mounting fear building up deep within myself. I was afraid, without you by my side. I enjoyed reminiscing on the days that we are together; huddling by the fireplace on stormy nights together, kissing in the morning sun together, kicking autumn leaves with hands held tight together, reading a book by the beach together, gazing at each other during romantic dinners, talking about our dreams while lying side by side in bed, frolicking in the sea together. We were just so comfortable having each other as a life-long companion, just so in love, just having so much fun and just knowing we will be there for each other. The feeling is simply magical.

I could never bear to leave you, I could never live without you, and you are me, the reason for my existence. You are everything that I ever wanted in a friend. You are my best friend. The one I know I can always count on forever, the one I know that will never leave me in times of adversity and the one that loves me with all her heart. But alas, we are apart but you will always be beside me, be with me, in the most scared place of my heart – my temple of love.

I had to choke back my tears as sensations of warmth shook me. Just thinking of you was enough to invigorate all my senses to make me feel so alive, to feel you, thinking of me too. As hearts connect, I felt the emotions running through my every single cell in my body. I felt so snug at that moment, despite the given dire weather conditions as though you are by my side. Thoughts of you had always warmed my heart so much that it felt like you were holding me tight in your arms, loving me so.

As I was lingering on the sweetness of the moment, a bright light descended before me.

At that instance, a feeling of familiarity overcame me. I was face to face with this pair of beautiful blue eyes that I had always sought solace in. I felt the soft caress of your tender fingers scaling down my cheek. I trembled with excitement, knowing it was you.

You kissed me softly upon my lips, leaving me hungering for more. My heart was racing and my surroundings seem to be Utopia as your beauty transformed everything for me.

I needed you so much.

I needed you to just hug me tight and say you love me, over again and again.

Having you leaning against my chest seemed to appease the angry weather gods as our true love manifested to the heavens as a feeling of purity. The dark clouds parted, with the sun's rays streaming in, reviving Mother Nature from her deep slumber in this desolate part of the earth.

As the image of you faded away slowly, being blown away by the wind with the morning dew forming the most memorable backdrop, I know that you, you will always reside in my heart forever, no matter the distance between us because true love exists, anywhere...

Thunderous growls from angry storm clouds shook the world around me, accompanied by illuminated streaks of lightning that forcefully struck and destroyed everything.

The one I know I can always count on forever, the one I know that will never leave me in times of adversity and the one that loves me with all her heart.
此句中,作者采用三个均以the one开头倒装的并列结构,同时运用了渐进的写作方法,行文一气呵成,文章的语言表达力度得以增强.

Devilish: 魔鬼的;恶魔般的;穷凶极恶的;邪恶的
devilish schemes

Howl: a long loud sound made when the wind is blowing strongly 呼啸声,吼叫

Taunt: 惹恼,嘲弄
Some girls taunted her because she was poor.

Gale: 大风,暴风
Trees were blown down in the gale.

Shudder: 发抖,战栗
She shuddered at the sight of a stranger hiding behind the door.

Illuminated: 被照亮的,受启发的

Reminisce: 缅怀,回忆
She likes to reminisce about her childhood.
The old men often gathered in the park,reminiscing with other old men.

The children huddled together like a flock of sheep.

Frolic: 嬉戏,玩耍
The young lambs were frolicking in the field.

Adversity: 逆境,不幸
A good friend will not desert one in time of adversity.

Choke: 窒息,阻塞
The storeroom was choked with furniture.
Leaves choked the drain.

Invigorate: 使有精神

Snug: 温暖而舒适的
She had a small but snug home.

Back: 背景幕布

  • caressn. 爱抚,拥抱 v. 爱抚,抱,怜爱
  • snugadj. 温暖舒适的,合身的,安全的 v. 使整洁干净,
  • tauntn. 辱骂,嘲弄 v. 嘲弄
  • memorableadj. 值得纪念的,难忘的
  • shuddervi. 战悚,发抖 n. 战栗,震颤
  • tenderadj. 温柔的,嫩的,脆弱的 ,亲切的,敏感的,未成熟
  • appeasev. 安抚,缓和,平息,姑息
  • purityn. 纯净,纯正,纯粹
  • romanticadj. 浪漫的 n. 浪漫的人
  • adversityn. 不幸,灾难