专八改错训练附讲解100篇:Passage 54
日期:2016-04-05 17:34



At the turn of the 20th century, Dutch physician Christiaan Eijkman showed that disease can be caused not only by microorganisms but by a dietary efficiency of certain substances now called vitamins. In 1909 German bacteriologist Paul Ehrlich introduced the world's first bactericide, a chemical designed to kill specific lands of bacteria with killing the patient's cells as well.(1)____(2)____
Following the discovery of penicillin in 1928 by British bacteriologist Sir Alexander Fleming, antibiotics joined medicine's Chemical armory making the fight against bacterial infection almost a routine matter. Antibiotics cannot act as viruses, but vaccines have been used to greatly effect to prevent some of the deadliest viral diseases. Smallpox, once a worldwide killer, was completely eradicated by the late 1970s,and in the United States a number of polio cases dropped from 38,000 in the 1950s to less than 10 a ye3r‘by the 21st century.(3)____(4)____(5)____
By the middle of the 20th century scientists believed they were well on the way to treating,preventing, or eradicating many of the most deadly infectious diseases that plagued humankind for centuries.(6)____ And by the 1980s the medical community’s confidence in its ability to control the infectious disease had been shaken by the emergency of new types of disease-causing microorganisms.(7)____(8)____(9)____New cases of tuberculosis developed, caused by bacteria;trains that were resistant to antibiotics. New, deadly infections on which there was no known cure also appeared, including the viruses that cause hemorrhagic fever and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the cause of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.(10)____

1. efficiency→deficiency词汇错误。efficiency意思为“效能”,deficiency意思为“不足,缺乏”。本句的意思是“在20世纪初,荷兰医生Eijkman表示不仅微生物可以导致疾病,缺乏某种饮食物质—我们现在称之为维他命,也能导致疾病。”根据语义,此处的含义应该为“缺乏”,所以改为deficiency。
2. with→without语篇错误。该段落主要描述了20世纪医药学的发展,属于积极的含义。所以要显示出世界上第一个杀菌剂的优势,则应该表明这是一种能杀死某些特殊细菌而又“不杀死”病人细胞的化学药品。若为with,则无法体现其先进性,故将with改为,without。
3. as→against词汇错误。act as意为“充任某角色;担任某工作”。上一句提到“抗生素加人化学药物的行列,抗击细菌感染”,故此处antibiotics当然不是“充当”病毒,而应表示“对抗,抗击”的意思,改为against合适。
4. greatly→great语法错误。to great effect是固定搭配,意思为“有很大影响,起很大作用”。这里要注意的是,be used to do sth后面所接的动词并不是effect,而是Prevent。 effect虽然也具备动词词性,但此处是作名词,和to great构成搭配。本句的
5. a→the语法错误。a number of意思为“许多”,大量”,the number of意思为“……的数量”。此处说的应该是小儿麻痹症数量的减少,患者人数从20世纪60年代的3.8万人降到21世纪的一年不到10人。因此,将不定冠词a改为定冠词then。
6. ∧Plagued→had语法错误。该句的谓语动词是believed,属于过去时,that引导的是定语从句,修饰其先行词infectious diseases,意思为“已经感染人类几个世纪的传染性疾病”,此动作是发生在主句动作believed之前,所以要将时态改为过去完成时。
7. And→But语篇错误。本文第一段讨论了20世纪医药学的发展,第二段开始提到科学家们相信自己在疾病研制方面的发展,而下文紧接着提到医学界的信心受到动摇,并且列举了几种尚无法攻克的新型疾病,可以推断出此处应该表转折,所以将And改为But,表示转折含义。
8. the→the语法错误。此处考查的是冠词的用法。the是定冠词,表示特指,而此处表示“传染性疾病”,并没有特指哪种或哪几种传染性疾病,且diseases是复数,前面也不能用表示单数的不定冠词an,所以此处要将the删掉。
9. emergency→emergence词汇错误。此处考查的是形近词的比较。emergency的意思为“紧急事件,突发事件”,emergence的意思为“出现”。根据语义,这里指“新型的、能导致疾病的微生物的出现”,所以要改为emergence。
10. on→for词汇错误。cure for disease/infection为固定搭配,意思为“……疾病/传染病的治疗方法”,for是介词提前,和which共同引导定语从句,修饰先行词infections,所以要将。on改为fore。

  • physiciann. 内科医生
  • specificadj. 特殊的,明确的,具有特效的 n. 特效药,特性
  • emergencen. 出现,浮现,露出
  • certainadj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron. 某几个,某
  • infectionn. 传染,影响,传染病
  • efficiencyn. 效率,功率
  • confidenceadj. 骗得信任的 n. 信任,信心,把握
  • resistantadj. 抵抗的,反抗的 n. 抵抗者
  • syndromen. 综合症,典型表现
  • armoryn. 军械库,兵工厂