NO-BOOK口语提高版 Lesson79-80:真够差劲
日期:2010-03-23 15:52


NO-BOOK口语提高版 Lesson79-80:真够差劲


Lesson 25 Rat

2.I smell a rat.
3.You look like a drowned rat.
4.You dirty rat!
5.I was just ratting around.
6.I don't want to die like a rat.
7.Hey,pal,you see rats.
8.You must be in the rats.

Lesson 26 Set

1.Get set!
2.A hot drink will soon set you up.
3.What's the setup for the party?
4.I set the clock's alarm.
5.Set your heart at ease.
6.I'll set you down at the corner.
7.I'll never set eyes on other girls again.
8.OK,I'll set the ball rolling.
