NO-BOOK口语提高版 Lesson75-76:少年老成
日期:2010-03-19 16:16


NO-BOOK口语提高版 Lesson75-76:少年老成


Lesson 21 Age

1.We're both of the same age.
2.He's bigger for his age.
3.I come of age today.
4.I haven't been to the pictures for ages.
5.You're a big boy now.Act out your age.
6.They are age-old friends.
7.She looks much younger for her age.
8.Fifty is no age these days.

Lesson 22 Blue

1.Why so blue?
2.I persuaded him till I was blue in the face.
3.You came out of the blue,Mom.
4.I am in the blues.
5.She was black and blue when she was back.
6.Blues can always touch my heart.
7.I've got the blues on rainy days.
8.Don't make me blue by doing that.
