NO-BOOK口语提高版 Lesson71-72:爱屋及乌
日期:2010-03-17 16:17


NO-BOOK口语提高版 Lesson71-72:爱屋及乌


Lesson 17 Bark

1.Stop barking at me like that.
2.Barking dogs won't bite.
3.You're barking up the wrong tree.
4.Stop barking at the moon.
5.His bark is worse than his bite.
6.The speech was more bark than bite.
7.I barked my knuckles fixing my bike.
8.I recognize you from your barks.

Lesson 18 Love

1.I'm crossed in love.
2.I won't do it,for love or money.
3.Give my love to Dad.
4.I'd love to,but I can't.
5.Love is blind.
6.Love me,love my dog.
7.I love her more than I can say.
8.I did that for love.

  • barkv. (狗)吠,咆哮 n. 狗吠,咆哮 n. (树)茎皮
  • recognizevt. 认出,认可,承认,意识到,表示感激