日期:2019-12-13 16:55



We've got some impeachment inquiry news to pass along.
According to White House advisor Alexander Vindman's testimony from yesterday,
the official transcript from trump's Ukraine phone call didn't contain the entire conversation.
He says the white house cut out damaging information and replaced it with dot, dot, dot.
他说 白宫剪掉了有害的信息 用点点点代替了它们
Look, it is donald trump. It's trump.
他可是唐纳德特朗普啊 是川普
It's entirely possible he just said "bo "-- "dot, dot, dot ." You know what i mean when i say dot, dot, dot, you know?
他完全有可能说的就是点点点啊 你知道我什么意思
You know when you're texting your ex and they text you back and those dots popped up and you wait and your soul gets crushed when it just disappears.
你知道 当你跟你的前任发消息时 他们回复了你 那些点出现了 然后你就等啊等 它消失的时候 你的灵魂崩溃了
That's what we're talking about. Do we even need to fill in the blanks?
这就是我们谈论的事情 我们需要补上空缺吗
The edited transcript was more than enough to start an impeachment inquiry.
This is like a detective on a crime scene saying, "obviously a murder occurred here, but it's also possible there was jaywalking."
这就像一个侦探在犯罪现场 很明显这里发生了谋杀 但是也有可能是有人乱穿马路
Meanwhile, the president was having a busy day online.
同时 总统的线上生活很忙
He took to twitter this morning to once again rail against the impeachment inquiry.
And in the tweet, he swapped the "e" in the word "republicans" with a "u." look at this. He wrote, "rupublicans."
在推特中 他用u替换了republicans中的e 看看 他写了 rupublicans
Trump then clarified by tweeting, "sorry, meant rub pelicans. Damn it, robbed lubricants. Ahh! Raw blue pecans. Forget it. Doesn't matter."
然后他又发推特澄清 抱歉 我要写的是摩擦鹈鹕 该死 是 被抢的润滑剂 啊 是生蓝核桃 算了 不重要了
I honestly think the president believes that the red squiggly line under the misspelled word is twitter's way of letting him know that he's doing a great job.
Trump swapped the "e" with a "u." It could've been worse. It could've happened when he was tweeting about the rapper fifty cent.
川普把u换成了e 情况可能会更遭的 他没有把五分钱乐队写成五毛钱说唱




Hard to know whether that joke will make the show tonight.
This guy's still figuring it out. Wait -- there it is. Okay.
这伙计还在想这个笑点 等下 他想到了
Then later in the day, the president tweeted out a photoshopped image of himself giving a fake medal to the hero dog
当天晚些时候 总统在推特上发布了一张ps过的照片 照片中他给最近在叙利亚参与突袭伊斯兰国的英雄狗颁发了一枚假勋章
from the recent ISIS raid in syria, with the words, "American Hero!"
并配文道 美国英雄
Look at that. i know. I like this. You know what? Impeachment over.
多么美的画面 我知道 我喜欢这个 别搞弹劾了
Keep the adorable animal photos coming and we're cool. But this is a fake photo.
继续发可爱的动物 我们就没事 但是这其实是张假照片
If you look close enough, you can practically hear donald trump whispering to a dog,
"you know a doctor can get you out of military service, right?"
你知道医生可以让你免服兵役 对吗
In other political news twitter came out with a major announcement today.
另外一条政治消息 推特发布了重要公告
They will no longer allow political advertising on their platform.
Yeah. It's amazing. kind of a great thing. I really think it is.
是的 这很棒 很好的一件事 我真的觉得
So, now, if you want to see dishonest political ads you'll have to head over to literally any other website on the internet.
如果你想看到骗人的政治广告 你得去网络上除推特外几乎所有的网站观看
No political advertising on the twitter platform? I'll tell you, if the founding fathers were alive, they would have no ability to remotely understand this.
推特平台不能出现政治广告 我告诉你 如果国父们还活着 他们就没有能力理解它
And, finally, halloween is tomorrow, and if you're looking for a last-minute costume idea, check this out.
明天就是万圣节了 如果你还在想要穿什么的话 看看这个
An online costume shop is selling a sexy "miss impeachment" halloween costume.
As if the idea of trump getting impeached wasn't sexy enough already.
A "miss impeachment" costume. Or, if you want to dress as something scary, there's nothing more terrifying than the "reelected for a second term" costume.
弹劾小姐服饰 如果你想穿点什么可怕的东西 就是这个最可怕的连任第二届总统服饰
