日期:2018-06-05 07:41



Now Rashida, you sent us a picture,
拉什达 你有给我们发一张照片
this picture here of a bowl of yellow soup. Yeah.
是一碗黄色的汤 对
You can explain why?
Yeah. So basically my mom who is a lovely, lovely human being,
好 我妈妈平时是一个很好的人
she, I wouldn't say she is technically savey.
And I get a lot of like screaming texts from her like all caps.
我经常受到他发的消息 全是大写字母
I get—the day before Christmas I just get that picture with no explanation, no context.
比如——这个是我圣诞节前收到的一张图 没有解释 没有文字




And I called her.
I was like mom, you can't just send me like a fuzzy picture of yellow liquid.
我说 妈 你就给我发一张模糊的黄色液体的图片
There was no content.
Honey, I'm at that restaurant you suggested and I just want to send you food from that restaurant.
亲爱的 我去了你说的那家饭店 就是想发张图给你看看
She's missing like four steps.
I'm at that restaurant, that soup, you were right, it's delicious.
我去那家饭店了 那碗汤 你说的对 很好喝
It's delicious, nothing, not a caption, nothing.
很好喝 什么都没有 也没有大写
Am I the only one with mom tech issues?
No, my mom—my mom only started texting I would say about two years ago.
没有 我妈——我妈两年前才学会打字
And she took to it like a duck to texting.
Too much. Yeah. Too much, right.
太过分了吧 对啊
All of them shouting. What time will you be here?
语音就是靠喊 你什么时候来啊
Stop shouting, mom. It's crazy.
别喊了 妈 真的很可怕
What about you, Lily? Is your mom good? Technical wise, with other things.
你呢 莉莉 你妈妈会吗 挺好的
Great, yeah. Technical wise, great.
对 很会使用这些吗 那挺好的
No, she's good.
She takes me along, she is like hey, darling, it's okay, love you darling, hello darling.
就是 嗨 亲爱的 没事 我爱你 嗨 亲爱的
And then the subtext is like text me back.
You better call me. Call me now.
最好打电话 现在就打
She's quite good at it though.
I got one from my dad that said I'm in Atlanta. Fantastic.
我有收到我爸的一条消息 说 我在亚特兰大 挺不错的
That was it. I said back I'm in the bath, speak soon.
就这 然后我回 我在洗澡 有事快说
