国外流行新趋势 用Instagram滤镜为孩子起名
日期:2018-02-14 07:04



As you know, every generation has a name.
众所周知 每一代人都有自己的名字
You've heard of baby boomers, you've heard of gen-x,
你们都听说过婴儿潮一代 X世代
and most of you are probably millennials.
But there really hasn't been a name for the next generation until now.
但到目前为止 下一代人还没有一个固定的名字
Because today, MTV announced that the generation after millennials will be known as the founders.
因为今天 MTV宣布千禧一代的下一代应该叫做奠基一代
Because their job will be to restore order to the society that the millennials apparently disrupted.
So basically, the founders are going to fix the previous generation's hopelessly outdated institutions—says MTV.
所以基本上 千禧一代那些不可救药的 过时的制度都会由奠基一代来修复——MTV如是说到
Apparently, the term founder would apply to anyone age 15 or younger.
很明显 奠基一代这个词适用于15岁及以下的人
Yeah, kids 15 or younger, or as MTV knows them, moms.
15岁及以下的孩子 或者 按照MTV的说法 母亲
What? I mean it is a good thing. MTV named them.
你们笑什么 我觉得这是好事啊 MTV还给他们起了个名字
Because if CBS named them, they just be called NCIS: young people.
因为如果让CBS来的话 他们就会被叫做 海军罪案调查处:年轻一代


国外流行新趋势 用Instagram滤镜为孩子起名


Clearly people are struggling with what so-called this new generation of kids, including their parents.
人们应该都很关心这所谓的新一代的孩子们 他们的父母也是这样
Because a new story came out which were viewed that more and more babies are being named after Instagram filters.
因为很多人应该都听过这么一个消息 越来越多的孩子被以ins的滤镜来命名
Yeah. That's right. Move over dead relatives.
是的 忘掉那些死去的亲戚吧
Instagram is in town.
When I heard about parents naming their kids after Instagram filters, I was like this is ridiculous!
当我听说这个消息时 我觉得这也太荒唐了吧
I have got to tell my son, Snapchat, about this.
Periscope. Periscope. Get your brother, Snapchat.
Periscope Periscope 去把你哥哥Snapchat叫过来
I have got to tell him about this thing.
The good news about naming your daughter after an Instagram filter like Sierra, Willow or Lux
如果你用ins的滤镜给你女儿命名 比如叫茜拉 薇洛 或者卢克斯的话
is that she won't have to change her name if she becomes a stripper.
好处就在于 如果以后她改行去做脱衣舞娘了 就不用改名字了
But honestly, even the family that named all three of its kids after Instagram filters.
但说真的 就算家里的三个孩子的名字都是来自ins的滤镜的名字
Kelvin, Luck and Moon.
凯尔文 卢柯 穆恩
It's actually a very cute family and I believe we've got a picture here.
这也一定是个可爱的家庭 我们这里有张照片为证
We have to accept that our children are going to grow up in a very different world to the one that we are.
我们必须接受这个事实 孩子们成长的世界跟我们成长的那个世界是很不同的
For example, one major thing which is really going to be different
比如 一个很大的变化就是
is McDonald's is thinking of introducing table service at their restaurants.
Did you see this? Yeah, it is true.
你们看这个了吗 这是真的
I think this is a good thing.
Because if you're sitting down at McDonald's for dinner,
you really do need another human being to come over to you
and say hey, how are you doing tonight?
嗨 今晚怎么样
Even though we all know the answer is yeah, not great.
即使我们都知道答案一定是嗯 不怎么样
But you know with table service,
there's going to be a moment when you're looking over the menu,
and the waiter comes up and you have to go,
服务员一走过来 你就要说
I'm sorry, I have a barely look and I just need a few more minutes.
抱歉 我还没开始看 再给我几分钟
Is that OK?
Then they come back and you're like, talk to me about this big mac.
然后过会儿 他们再过来 你就说 跟我说说这个汉堡吧
What's on that? What does that come with? Fries?
上面是什么 会配什么食物
Nuggets are—dips, cool!
鸡块是——可以蘸着吃 太棒了
Here's my impression of every single person walking into a McDonald's that is testing table service. OK?
我想像中 麦当劳有了桌边服务之后 每个人走进去都是这样的
Hi. Table for one.
你好 我要一人桌
