日期:2018-03-08 07:40



It's the Late Late Show
Ladies and gentlemen, all the way from high Wickham, England,
女士们先生们 欢迎来自英国威克姆的主持人
give it up for your host, the one, the only James Corden!
We have a big show. We have a big show tonight.
今天的节目很精彩 今晚的节目很精彩
Thank you. Thank you.
谢谢 谢谢
Hello, ladies and gentlemen.
女士们先生们 大家好
Thank you.
Welcome to the Late Late Show!
What's going on, ladies and gentlemen?
Welcome to the show!
It is great to see you guys. Thank you so much for staying up with us.
很高兴见到大家 也很高兴大家来收看这个节目




Today president Obama revealed that his favorite song of 2015 was how much a dollar cost by Kendrick Lamar.
今天 奥巴马总统宣布他2015年最喜爱的歌曲是肯德里克·拉马尔的《一美元价值几何》
Not to be outdone, Hillary revealed that her favorite song of 2015 was, whatever will get you to like me!
希拉里也不甘示弱 透露她2015年最喜欢的歌曲是《只要能让你喜欢我》
Yesterday-yesterday the CEO of Yahoo gave birth to identical twins.
And even they already have gmail.
I read that Jeb Bush's super pac has spent over $50 million on his campaign.
我看到杰宝·布什为了竞选美国总统 他的超级政治委员会已经耗资近5000万美元了
Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders has spent over $5 on his latest haircut.
与此同时 伯尼·桑德斯在他的发型上已经花了超过5美元了
I wrote that. I wrote that. Also—
这条是我写的 我写的 并且——
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! What the hell—
哇 哇 哇 这他妈——
What is going on?
I'm getting in the bath. Nothing. Nothing.
我还在洗澡呢 什么事都没有 什么都没有
I have lit a scented candle.
I hear the music playing.
Clearly I'm not ready.
Reggie, why did you start the music?
雷吉 为什么放音乐
You told me to play the music. That's what we did.
是你叫我放的 我就放了啊
That's not me! That's Justin Bieber!
叫你放音乐的人不是我 是贾斯汀·比伯
James, you look exactly alike. How I suppose to tell the differences. Yes, I know.
詹姆斯 你俩长得那么像 我怎么分得清楚谁是谁啊 没错
That's not. That's not true. Well, it is. That's not true.
不是 没有 事实上 我们俩并不像
So, right. OK, listen. What-what-what are you doing?
所以 听我说 你们——你们这是在干嘛
Why are you doing this? This has got to stop.
为什么要这么做 停下来
I'm sorry man. I'm sorry.
对不起啊兄弟 真的对不起
It's too late to say sorry.
Hey, hey, what do you mean?
哎 你什么意思
Right. Now you're just naming your own songs! So that's pathetic.
哦 你现在还开始念你自己的歌名了是吗 少给我装可怜
What's the deal? What are you doing?
你们是不是约好的 到底怎么回事
Can I be honest with you? Yes.
我能说实话吗 说
I just—I really want to host my own late night show.
Well then go and get your own show. OK?
This is my show, all right? You have to back off. OK.
这里是我的节目好吗 你现在就离开这儿 明白吗
Do you hear me? You've got—No. I've had enough!
听见没 你必须——别 我受够了
Just because you ride to work with me, all right,
doesn't mean that you can hang around in my dressing room all day, right?
并不意味着你可以在我的化妆间里晃一整天 明白吗
Hang around to steal my job. OK?
还想抢我的工作 你想错了
Well, can I at least host the show just for tonight? No, you can't.
那至少今天晚上让我主持 行吗 不行
Well, can I roll the titles?
No, you can't. Get out! Get out!
我说不行 出去 你出去
No, go. Get out. Get gone.
不行 你马上离开这儿
All right, fine. OK, fine. Yes!
好吧 我走啦 算了 行吧
You can roll the titles. Yes.
OK. Yes! From there, go on. You ready? You ready?
太好了 现在开始 准备好没
Right. Here it goes. Here it goes.
好了 开始了
All right. I'm Justin Bieber and this-this is the Late Late Show. Roll the titles!
我是贾斯汀·比伯 这里是《深夜秀》 开场白

  • campaignn. 运动,活动,战役,竞选运动 v. 从事运动,参加竞
  • candlen. 蜡烛
  • identicaladj. 相同的,同一的