中石油职称英语考试阅读60篇精讲 第22篇: The Delights of South Island 南岛之乐
日期:2014-07-30 18:15



1.One of theodder coincidences of physicalgeography isthe factthatthere aretwodouble islands,roughlythe same size,positionedat each other'santipodes, or farthest-distantpoint. The islands of England and Ireland in the NorthernHemisphere andthe islands of North Island and South Island in the SouthernHemisphereare justsucha coincidence.The first two islands comprise the United Kingdom and the Republicof Ireland (or Eire), andthe secondtwo islands comprise New Zealand.Amongthese four islands,there can be no doubtthatSouth Island isthe least pollutedandmostspectacularly scenic of themall.

1.自然地理(physical geography)上较为奇特(the odder)的巧合coincidence之一是地球上有两组大小约略相同、位置相对(positioned at each other's antipodes)或者说相距最为遥远的双岛。北半球的英格兰和爱尔兰群岛以及南半球的北岛和南岛就是这样的一种巧合。第一组的两座岛构成(comprise)英国和爱尔兰共和国,第二组的两座岛则组成新西兰。四个岛中,南岛无疑是污染最少且风景最秀丽的。

2. There is much competition to make such a claim. The island of England,politicallyconstitutingEngland, Scotland, and Wales of the United Kingdom, is dotted with country villages setalongsiderivers and lakes. There arenotvery tallbutnonethelessrugged mountains in thenorth, and endless miles of rocky coastlinethat seem mystical. Ireland, too, is a paradise of greenery,withfar fewer people than populous Englandandeven morequaint villages scattered among its low-lying hills and forevergreen fields. North Island in New Zealandsportsabalmy climate andthe beachestomakeuse of it;one beachaloneis more than 150 kilometers long, andwithrelatively few peopleon itsshores, one can pretend one is at the very end of the earth.Volcanoes, large lakes, andquicklyflowing riverstraverse the land.Giventhe beauty of these three islands, what makes South Island so special?

2.这样说(to make such a claim)势必经过一番竞争(competition)(1)在政治版图上(politically)构成(constitute)英国的英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士的英格兰本岛乡间农村(country villages)沿着河岸和湖畔星罗棋布(dot with 点缀于散布)。北部的山虽不高但却崎岖不平,而绵延不绝的岩岸则展现出神秘的风情。(2)爱尔兰也是绿色天堂,人口远不及(far fewer)人烟稠密的英格兰(populous England),却有更多古意盎然的农村散布(scatter)在低洼的山丘和常绿的田野间(scattered among itslow-lying hills and forever green fields)(3)新西兰的北岛拥有温和的气候和可享受这宜人气候的海滩为傲(sportvt. 夸耀);光是一个海滩(one beach alone)就超过150公里长,而岸上人口相当稀少,可以让人假装(pretend)自己是在世界的尽头(one is at the very end ofthe earth)。火山、大湖和湍急的河流quickly flowing rivers)横桓全岛(traverse the land)(4)既然这个三个岛如此美丽,南岛又有何特别之处?

3. Plenty.Forthosewholike mountains,South Island is sure to please.Mt. Cookat3,764 metersis its highest peak,with16 others above 3,000 meters.Naturally,many local and foreign mountain climberscomeherefor the challenge of these Southern Alps. In addition, there isan extensiveglacier system, endless forests, and innumerable lakesthroughoutthis highland area.Some ofthe world's best mountain sceneryisavailablewithinthe 500-kilometer long chain of theSouthern Alps.

3.那可多着呢。对那些喜爱大山者来说,南岛一定能取悦他们。be sure to do sth 一定;必定;无疑)南岛的最高峰库克山高3764,另外还有16座超过3000的山峰。自然而然地,许多国内外的登山家(many local and foreign mountain climbers)来到此地挑战南半球的阿尔卑斯山脉。此外,还有一个广大的冰河系统、无止境的森林和数不尽的湖泊遍布在这个高原地带(throughout this highland area)。一些举世无双的山光水色(some of the world's best mountain scenery)可在这绵延的500公里长的南阿尔卑斯山脉之间欣赏到。(南岛的山)

4. Perhaps youpreferthe sea? South Island isnot onlyan island,butmanytiny islets can be foundoffits coastline. Great deep-sea fishing, scuba diving, and snorkelingcan be had,thoughthe waters here are cooler than those ofNorth Island. (Remember, in the Southern Hemisphere,aswe go north, it gets warmer.)Asfewer people live on SouthIsland than on North Island, thosewhocrave solitude and pristine beaches will be amazed at their luck here.Withalmostno heavy industry on SouthIsland,the air, water, and landareallfree of pollution. The local seafood isthereforeclean, plentiful, and never-ending.

4.也许你比较喜欢海南岛并不是一座岛屿在它的外海(off its coastline)还散布着众多的小岛屿(many tiny islets)可以从事(have vt. 从事; have-had-had)深海钓鱼、深海潜水和浮浅--虽然这里的水温比起北岛的水温要来的低。(记住,在南半球愈往北走海水愈温暖。)由于(as)南岛的人口比北岛的少,喜爱独处和原始海滩的人在此将会对于他们有幸来到这里而感到惊异(will be amazed at their luck here)。南岛上几乎没有重工业,空气、水和土地全都未受污染(all free of pollution)。当地的海鲜因而干净、富饶而且取之不尽。(南岛的海)

5.Dohealthful climates interest you? South Island isthe place to be. Its temperate climate seeslittle snowexceptin the highlands and mountainous areas.LikeIreland and England, there areno extremes oftemperature,either. Summers arewarm, not hot, and winters are brisk rather than freezing. The fresh air is sometimes humid from theabundant rainfall of this area. Every season invites the nature lovertoget out and be active in the countryside.

5.你对健康的气候感兴趣吗?来南岛这个地方就对了。除了在高原和山区地带,这儿温和的气候很少降雪(seeslittle snow)。就像爱尔兰和英格兰一样,气温也不严酷。夏天暖和不热,冬天则凉爽而不寒冷。清新的空气有时会因这地区丰沛的降雨而潮湿这里一年四季都适合爱好大自然的人出门到乡间去活跃一番。(南岛的自然环境)

6. Of course, South Island is not for everyone.Forthosewhoneed busy, crowded, noisy, andpollutedcities, thisSouthern outpost will surely disappoint.Forthosewhoenjoy pressure and stress, South Island will leave them empty-handed. Andforthosewhowould rather stay at home or in anofficein front ofa computerscreen or in the thumping, smoke-filled dance floorsof discos, some of the world's best natural scenery will never entice themaway.Forthe rest of us, though, SouthIsland is the world's best-kept secret. If Nature's paradisesoundsalluring,make a point ofvisiting South Island.




1. One of the odder coincidences of physical geography isthe fact _____ there are two double islands.

A. what B.which C. that D. where

2. Among these four islands, there can be no doubt thatSouth Island is the least polluted and most spectacularly ____ of them all.

A. sense B. scene C. science D. scenic

3. There is much competition to make _____ a claim.

A. so B. such C. that D. what

4. The island of England, politically constituting England,Scotland, and Wales of the United Kingdom, is _____ with country villages setalongside rivers and lakes.

A. dotted B. doomed C. dorm D. domestic

5. Ireland, too, is a paradise of greenery, with farfewer people than _____ England.

A. popular B. populous C. population D. Polluted

6. Volcanoes, large lakes, and quickly flowing rivers _____the land.

A. travel B. trap C. track D. traverse

7. ____the beauty of these three islands, what makesSouth Island so special?

A. Given B. Giving C. Though D. However

8. As fewer people live on South Island than on NorthIsland, those who _____ solitude and pristine beaches will be amazed at theirluck here.

A.brave B. crave C. crayon D. crack

9. With almost no heavy industry on South Island, theair, water, and land are all _____ of pollution.

A. heavy B. freedom C. free D. no

10. Summers are warm, not hot, and winters are briskrather than _____.

A. freeze B. froze C. freezing D. frozen

11. And for those who would rather stay at home, some ofthe world's best natural scenery will never _____ them away.

A. entice B. entire C.enter D. entertain

答案:1C 2 D 3B 4 A 5 B 6 D 7 A 8 B 9 C 10 C 11A

  • rockyadj. 岩石的,像岩石的,坚硬的,麻木的,困难重重的
  • plentifuladj. 丰富的,多的,充裕的
  • scattern. 散布,零星少量 vt. 驱散,散播 vi. 分散,
  • trapn. 圈套,陷阱,困境,双轮轻便马车 v. 设圈套,陷入
  • freezev. 冻结,冷冻,僵硬,凝固 n. 结冰,冻结
  • coincidencen. 巧合,同时发生
  • populationn. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数
  • entertainv. 娱乐,招待,怀抱
  • coastlinen. 海岸线
  • enticev. 诱骗,引诱