1.The Chief Executive of a large hotelbecame awarethathis companywasexperiencing annual employee turnoverof about 60percent,at an annual costestimatedbetween$10to$15 million. This large amount of moneywas calculatedbased on three factors: the money spenthiring and trainingreplacements; the cost to the business in lowerproductivitydue toemployees becomingfamiliar withthe requirements of their new job; and reduced occupancyrates,due topoorguest satisfactionlevels.
1、一家大型酒店的总裁(the ChiefExecutive; executive n. 经理;执行者)注意到(became aware = was aware 意识到),公司正在经历着每年(annual)流失60%的雇员的问题(that引导的宾语从句使用了过去进行时态),这种情况造成每年成本增加1000万到1500万美金。这么大量的资金是根据(based on 基于)以下三个因素算出来的(本句为被动语态,was calculated by people):(1)雇佣和培训新员工的花费(spend doing sth., spend后跟现在分词做宾语),(2)由于新员工要熟悉新工作的要求(familiar withthe requirements of their new job)而产生的较低的生产率(lower productivity)造成的企业成本升高(due to 由于; familiar with 熟悉),(3)以及由于顾客满意度(guestsatisfaction)差而导致客房使用率(occupancy rates; occupancy n. 居住;占有;占用)下降。
2. The Chief Executive knewthatin order tosave his company,hehad toreduce the highturnover costs.Making upfor the lost incomedue toturnoveris not an easy taskandmanycompanieshave not declared war on unwantedemployee turnoverbecausetheyhave not takenthe timeto work outthe costs of lost revenues and productivity. The hotel boss decidedtotackle the issue head-onby implementing a4-point plan. The hotelfirsttookthe timeto calculatetheir turnovercosts;secondlyto evaluatethe main causes for the staff turnover;and thirdlyto discusssome of the solutions to theproblems;and lastlytoprioritizeactionsand evaluatefuture returns following implemented changes.
2、这位总裁已经意识到,为了(in order todo sth.)拯救他的公司,他必须(have to dosth., have-had-had)减少髙额的员工流失(the hight turnover)成本。弥补由于员工流失所造成的收入损失(Making up for the lost income due to turnover, 这一串是句子的主语)不是一件容易的事情,而且目前许多公司还没有表示要应对不需要的员工流失(declare war on 发动进攻;对…宣战;unwanted adj. 不需要的;没人要的;多余的),因为(because引导原因状语从句)这些公司还没有时间去搞清楚(to work out; work out 想出;算出;弄懂;解决)收入(revenues)和生产率损失所造成的成本增加。但是这家酒店的老板决定要直面(head-on adv.)这个问题并且解决(tackle vt.)它。他提出了四点计划(implement vt.实现;执行):首先,计算员工流失成本;然后估计(evaluate)这些员工流失的主要原因;第三,讨论如何解决这些问题;最后确定行动方案(prioritizevt. 把…区分优先次序)并且评估实施这些方案之后(following implemented changes)的未来收益(future returns)。
3. Withina two-yearperiod, the results were significant. The annual employee turnoverwas reduced by78 percentandthisaffecteddown timedue totraining and guestsatisfaction. The result wasa $10 millionsavingsfor the company.
3、这个方案实施了两年,效果显著:每年员工流失率下降了78%( be reduced by + 数字或百分数),而且由于省去了对新员工的培训,加上顾客满意度的提高,酒店营业时间也比原来更长了(down time 停工时间)。最终的结果是酒店节省了1000万美元。(savings n. 储蓄;存款)
4.Becausemost do notknowthe root causes of employeeturnoverandcostshave often not been accurately estimated,causes are usually not known.As aresult, solutionsare commonlynot targetedata company’s individual, specific causes.The following is an examination ofwhatthe Chief Executive did to turn the hotel around.
4、大多数公司都不知道员工流失的根本原因在哪里,也没有准确地估算成本(本句使用了完成时被动语态),从而弄不清真正的原因(本句使用了现在时被动语态)。结果就是公司缺乏针对单个具体问题(a company’s individual, specificcauses)的解决方式(本句使用了现在时被动语态)。 以下是我们对那个总裁所采取的拯救酒店的具体行动(what the ChiefExecutive did to turn the hotel around)的分析。
5. Two factors were considered in relation to the calculation ofcosts: those departmentswho had thehighest rates of turnoverand thosewhose turnover had the greatestpotentialeffect onprofit. After some investigation,it was shown thatsome of the positionswith the highestturnover ratessuch ascleaners and gardeners did not carrywiththem high associated costs.In fact,what wasrevealedwas that only 6 percent of employees accounted for43 percent ofthe turnover. Positionsthat involved asubstantial amount of timein trainingwerethe onesthat attracted the highest costing. Analysisrevealedthatthose positionswithin the hotelwhich had the greatest impact on profitwere positionslikethe front officereceptionists and those working in accounts.
5、(人们)在计算成本的时候要考虑两个因素(in relationto 关于;涉及;本句使用了过去时被动语态):(1)哪些是员工流失率最高(who had thehighest rates of turnover,who引导定语从句,修饰前面的thosedepartments)的部门和(2)哪些是员工流失对于利润来说潜在影响最大(whoseturnover had the greatest potential effect on profit,whose turnover引导的定语从句,修饰前面的those)的部门。经过调查研究我们得出结论,在那些员工流失率最高的部门中,一些职位的员工流动并不会产生较高的成本,比如清洁员和园丁。实际上(in fact),这项调查所揭露的真相(what wasrevealed是由what引导的名词性从句作句子的主语,并且使用了被动语态形式;what 指someinvestigation)是43%的人员流失都是由占总员工数仅6%那一群体所造成(account for 对…负有责任;占)。那些需要大量培训时间(that involved a substantial amount oftime in training是that引导的定语从句; substantialadj. 大量的)的职位是会带来最高的成本投入(that attracted the highest costing是that引导的定语从句; the ones 指的是前面提到的positions)的职位。分析表明,对酒店利润有最大影响(within the hotel which had thegreatest impact on profit是which引导的定语从句)的职位是前台接待(the front office receptionists)和财务人员(those working in accounts)。
6.As unusual as it maysound,it is nowa commonunderstandingthatoffering employees more moneyisnot necessarilya good solution tohigh employee turnover—often they leavebecausethey simplydislikethework. Therefore,it was important totackle the analysis from the perspective ofwhat were the chief causes for staffleaving.
6、尽管听上去很不同寻常(As unusual asit may sound应该不是形容词比较形式,因为没有相互比较的内容;参考翻译,第一个as是转折词,第二个as,在网上查了下,as it may作“无论如何”解,因此本句可理解为:无论怎样,听上去都很不寻常),但是现在有一个普遍接受的观点(a common understanding),那就是给员工更多的钱(offering employees more money动名词短语在宾语从句中做主语)并不一定(not necessarily)会是解决员工高流失率的好方法,员工流失是因为他们不喜欢这个工作。因此,分析员工离职的主要原因(the chiefcauses for staff leaving)是重要的一环(可译为:从员工离职的主要原因这个角度进行分析是重要的;perspective n.观点; what引导的名词性从句作of的宾语,不知这样理解对不对)。
7.Devising solutions tothese issueswasthe otherhalfof the equation. As far arecruitingwas concerned, they changed their approachbyassigningthe tasktopersonnel from the hotel.Oncethis change was made,the attritionratesdecreased substantially.To add toemployee motivation,new staffweremade aware ofthe missionand goalsof the organization andhowtheywould be paidaboveindustry standardfor striving to attain to hotel values.New staffwere shownwhere thehotel was headingand how theywouldhave a guaranteed,stableemployment situationwith a major force in the hotel industry—it was even suggested thatafter aperiod of employment,new staffmightbe giventhe opportunityto contribute toorganizational goal setting. Theyhad been losingmany of their employeesduring the first month or two ofemployment, so theymadenew staffawarethatbonuseswould be offered tonewlyhired employeesat the end oftheir first three monthswhich greatlyassistedingoal setting.Staff luncheonsand thein-housevolleyball and basketballcompetitionsremainedan effective partofstaffunity and development, anda supportprogramwas also introducedto helpall staff with any job-related issues. This gave employeesaheightenedsenseof being cared for by the establishment.
7、设计针对这些问题的解决方法是等式的另外一半。(devise vt. 设计;发明)(是这个意思吗?分析问题的原因=解决问题的方法。瞎想的。)酒店改变了招聘方法:直接利用酒店内部人员(personnel from the hotel)实施招聘(recruiting n.招聘;be concerned 就…而言;approach n. 方法;assign to 分配给;直译为:就招聘而言,他们通过分派工作给酒店的内部人员而改变他们的招聘方法)。这一方法一经使用(被动语态),员工流失率(the attrition rates)大幅(substantiallyadv.)下降。为了提高(to add to 不定式作目的状语)员工的工作动力(motivation),领导告诉新员工公司的任务(mission)和目标(这里“staff人员”与“people人们”一样是集体名词,因此要注意“主谓一致”:new staffweremade awareof… 还有,本句使用了过去时被动语态,即新员工被告知…),还告诉他们,只要努力达到酒店工作标准(for striving to attain to hotelvalues),他们就会得到髙于同行业标准的薪水。(噢~~~“above”应该就是同行业标准之上的薪水了,本句使用了过去将来时被动语态形式; strive to dosth. 努力;attain to sth.到达;获得) 他们告诉新员工酒店的发展方向(where thehotel was heading是不是名词性从句作宾语呀?),并且让他们相信,在酒店行业努力工作(with a major force in the hotelindustry), 可以得到一份有保障的、稳定的收入(guaranteed adj. 有保证的;stable adj. 稳定的)——甚至告诉他们(suggest vt. 暗示),工作一段时间以后, 新员工可能会参与到公司组织目标的设定过程中去(contribute to sth. 有助于;促成;可译为:公司会给新员工参与组织目标制定的机会)。很多员工过去在酒店工作第一个月或者第二个月的时候(during thefirst month or two of employment)就离职了,因此现在酒店各部门要让新员工知道(made new staff aware),他们在工作前三个月结束的时候(at the end oftheir first three months)会拿到一笔奖金(offer 提供;可译为:酒店会给新员工发奖金),这种激励方式帮助(assist in)员工重新设定自己的目标。工作午餐(staff luncheons)和公司内部的(in house)排球或篮球赛(competitionn. 比赛)有效促进了(remain vi. 保持;依然)员工的团结和发展(staff unity and development),并且公司还引入了一个支持计划(a support program)来帮助所有的员工解决工作相关的问题(to help allstaff with any job-related issues不定式作目的状语;help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人)。这样一来,员工就会明显感受(a heightened sense)到公司(establishment)关心他们。
8.Another area of changewhich proved successfulwas the introduction of the ValuableEmployee Program(VEP).Whena personwas employedin the pasttheywere assigneda senior member ofstaffwhoassistedthem with getting used to their newjob. Due to the limitations of thesenior member’s positionhowever,they were often notin a positiontoexplain any details regardingfutureadvancement. Now, when staffareemployed, theyare clearly toldwhat is expected in the jobandwhere it might lead for the rightcandidate. Hotel surveysrevealedthatover 30 percent ofemployeeswere not satisfiedwiththe career opportunities in their current jobs,so the articulation ofthedefiniteand realistic opportunityfor advancementthrough the VEPledtoa majordecrease inemployee attrition.
8、另外一个证明成功的(which provedsuccessful定语从句,修饰another areaof change)改变的方面就是VEP(有价值员工工程)的引入。在过去,新人招聘进来以后会有一个老员工来帮助他们熟悉新工作(who assistedthem with getting used to their new job定语从句,修饰a senior member of staff; get used to 习惯于…; 适应于…)。但是,由于老员工的职位所限,他们无法给新员工规划未来职业发展细节(regardingprep. 关于;advancement n.进步;be to do sth. 表示按计划或安排要做的事)。而现在,新员工入职后,公司就很清楚地告诉他们工作当中所要做到的事情(what is expected in the job宾语从句)以及将来的职业发展前景(where itmight lead for the right candidate宾语从句;网译:他可能会成为适合的人选;where it might lead它可能导致…;candidate n.候选人)。酒店的调查研究还表明,超过30%的员工对他们目前工作的职业发展机会不满意(be satisfied with 对…感到满意)。因此,通过VEP向员工清晰说明(articulation n.)他们的升职机会(definite adj. 一定的;确切的;realistic adj.逼真的;现实的),大幅降低了员工流失率(employee attrition)(decrease in 在…方面减少;lead to sth.导致某种发生)。
9.Oncethe shiphad been rightedandtherelative returnson humanresource investmentshad beencalculated, setting prioritiesbecamea formality. Althoughatfirstadauntingtask, the enormous cost of employee turnover offered an excellent opportunityfor the hotelto increase profitability.
9、一旦船只恢复了平衡(rightvt. 平衡),并且人力资源投资的相对回报(the relative returns)计算清楚以后,接下来就是要设定做事情的顺序了(formality n. 仪式;正式手续;设定做事的优先顺序)。尽管一开始这是一项艰巨的(daunting adj.)任务,但是反过来,员工流失的巨大成本又给饭店提供一个好机会来提高利润率(to increase profitability 不定式作目的状语)。
1.The Chief Executive of a large hotel became aware that his company wasexperiencing employee turnover of about 60 percent.
A. annual B. annul C. annually D. annals
2. for the lost incomedue to turnover is not an easy task.
A.Make up B. Making up C. Making to D. Making of
3. Many companies have notdeclaredwar on employee turnover because they have not takenthe time to the costs of lostrevenuesandproductivity.
A. unwanted; work off B. wanted; work out
C. unwanted; work out D. unwanted; work into
4. The hotel boss decidedto tacklethe issuehead-onbyimplementing .
A. 4-points plan B. a 4-point plan C. a 4-points plan
D. a 4-point plans
5. The annual employee turnover 78 percent.
A. was reducedin B. was reduced to
C. was reducedat D. was reduced by
6. In fact, was that only 6 percent of employees accountedfor 43 percent of the turnover.
A. what was revealed B.was what revealed
C. that was revealed D.which was revealed
7. To add to employeemotivation, new staff aware of themissionand goals of the organization.
A. was made B. were made C. are made
8.When a person was employed in the past they were a senior member of staff who them with getting used to their new job.
A. associated;assigned B. assisted;assigned
C. assisted;associated D. assigned;assisted
9. Hotelsurveys revealedthatover 30 percent of employeeswere notsatisfied the career opportunities in their currentjobs.
A. within B. in C. with D. to
本课出现了“过去完成进行时态”的句子,它由had been doing构成。本文第7段:Hotels had been losing many of theiremployees during the first month or two of employment……很多员工过去在酒店工作第一个月或者第二个月的时候就离职了……(可译为:酒店过去在第一个月或者第二个月的员工雇用期会失去许多员工……)现在完成进行时由have/has been doing 构成。本课使用了大量的被动语态形式,但在翻译时多数都使用了主动语态形式,学习中要认真领会。