“I shall not unpack it till Anton comes,” he heard a man’s voice say; and then he heard a key turn in a lock. By the stillness he knew he was alone, and ventured to peep through the straw and hay. What he saw was a square room filled with pictures, carvings, old blue jugs, old steel armor, shields, daggers, Chinese idols, china, Turkish rugs, and all the articles of a bric-a-brac dealer’s.
“在安东来之前我不会打开它,”他听到一个男人的声音说;然后他听到钥匙在锁里转动 。在一片寂静中,他知道只有他一个人,便大胆地从草堆里往外看 。他看到的是一个正方形的房间,里面摆满了图画、雕刻品、旧的蓝色水壶、旧的钢铁盔甲、盾牌、匕首、中国的神像、中国的瓷器、土耳其的地毯,以及一个古董商的所有物品 。
It seemed a wonderful place to him; but, oh! was there one drop of water in it all? That was his single thought; for his tongue was parching, and his throat felt on fire. There was not a drop of water, but there was a window, and beyond the window was a stone ledge covered with snow. August darted out of his hiding-place, ran and opened the window, and crammed the snow into his mouth again and again. Then he flew back into the stove, drew the hay and straw over the place by which he had entered, tied the cords, and shut the brass doors on himself. He had brought some big icicles with him, and by them his thirst was quenched.
在他看来,这是一个奇妙的地方;但是,哦!里面有一滴水吗?这是他唯一的想法;因为他口干舌燥,喉咙像着了火 。没有一滴水,但是有一扇窗户,窗户的外面是一个被雪覆盖的石壁架 。奥古斯特从他躲藏的地方冲了出来,跑去打开窗户,把雪一遍又一遍地塞进嘴里 。然后他飞奔回火炉,把干草和稻草拉到他进来的地方,系好绳子,自己关上门 。他随身带了几根大冰柱,渴也就消了 。