The sun seemed to shoot up in the sky, and its heat poured out on us as if a door had been opened from a furnace.
太阳似乎发出耀眼的光芒,热量洒向我们,似乎一个大熔炉突然开了门 。
We stood still there, motionless, staring out intently.
我们站在那里一动不动,目不转睛地盯着 。
There was nothing to do but stand and wait and watch.
我们只有在这里等待,在这里观察 。
I kept telling myself that somewhere out in that green into
which I was straining my eyes was the great striped beast we had hunted so long,
sleeping, or perhaps padding about on stealthy feet, staring through the jungle at us.
它或许在睡觉,或许轻声慢步地在某个地方盯着我们 。
Six o'clock. Seven o'clock. Eight o'clock. Nine o'clock...
六点钟,七点钟,八点钟,九点钟 。
Our friends, the Kings, had got their tiger at a quarter to nine;
so I had decided that nine would be our lucky hour, but nine o'clock passed with nothing happening.
所以我认为我们的幸运时间应该是九点,但九点过后什么都没发生 。
Then I remembered a story I had heard about a tiger that had been seen at eleven o'clock,
and I set eleven as the time at which things would happen.
我将时间设定为11点,那时一定有事情要发生 。
The minutes passed with unbelievable slowness.
时间过得很慢 。
The sun burned hotter and hotter. We would not stir.
太阳光愈加强烈了,我们没有什么影响 。
One of us could have rested while the other watched,
but we were too excited for that. Our nerves were tense.
但我们太兴奋了,我们的神经紧张了 。
Eleven o'clock. Nothing happened. Then twelve. The sun was high overhead.
11点钟,什么都没发生,到了12点,阳光升到头顶 。
I felt burning up; the blood throbbed in my temples.
我感觉被灼烧了,血液直冲太阳穴 。
I thought of the nights on an African mountain when we had stood on guard against plundering elephants,
shivering with cold on the windswept heights, and I wondered why I had ever objected to cold and wind.
在寒风凛凛的高山上发抖,我惊异为什么我能抵御大风和寒冷 。