INCULCATE = (verb) to teach or fix something in someone’s mind through forceful repetitio, to fix beliefs or ideas in someone’s mind, especially by repeating them often
Synonyms:drill, instill, impart, impress, imbue, condition, brainwash, indoctrinate, ingrain, influence
- I inculcated obedience into my dog through consistent, positive reinforcement.
- Our football coach has worked hard to inculcate a team spiritin/intothe players.
- The young mother was determined to inculcate good manners onto her son.
to cause someone to have (particular beliefs or values) by repeating them frequently
- The goal is to inculcate in students a tolerance for people of other religions and races.
FRET = (verb) to be anxious or disturbed about something–to worry
Synonyms:agonize, worry, chafe, stew, mope, brood
- Don’t fret because worrying won’t help anything.
- Guitar players generally get calluses on their fingers from moving their fingers up and down the frets.
- By midnight Lisa was tired and fretful
- Joanna spent the day frettingabout/overwhat she’d said to Nicky.