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单词解析速记 JV551:Sanguine.and.Prudent
日期:2012-05-16 15:52


PARIAH = someone who has been outcast from society and is avoided by people, a person who is not accepted by a social group, especially because he or she is not liked, respected or trusted

Synonyms:outcast, vagrant, abomination, derelict, renegade, undesirable, castoff, reject


- The president became a pariah after he asked for another tax increase, and people couldn’t wait to oust him from office.
- Phil mumbled: “Smokers are treated as pariahs these days.”
- Lisa’s constant lying caused her to become a pariah among her peers.

PREFACE = (noun, verb) (n.) an introduction at the beginning of a book; (v.) to begin with a preface or introduction before presenting your main point

Synonyms:(n.) introduction, foreword, prologue, (v.) introduce, begin, open

Antonyms:(n.) epilogue, postscript, addendum, closing, conclusion, (v.) close, conclude

- Joanne loves Mark Twain’s books because they are immediately engaging, right from the preface.
- Phil didn’t preface the bad news with, “I don’t know how to tell you this but.”
- Please let me preface my response to your question by noting that I am not an expert in this area.

  • conclusionn. 结论
  • responsen. 回答,响应,反应,答复 n. [宗]答复语,
  • respectedadj. 受尊敬的 v. 尊敬;重视(respect的过
  • outcastn. 被驱逐的人 adj. 被逐出的,被遗弃的,无家可归
  • derelictadj. 抛弃的,玩忽职守的 n. 被遗弃的人或物,玩忽
  • vagrantn. 流浪汉,漂泊者,无赖 adj. 漂泊的,流浪的,游
  • epiloguen. 结尾,收场白 =epilog(美)
  • prefacen. 序文,绪言,前言 v. 作序,写前言,以 ...
  • engagingadj. 动人的,迷人的,有魅力的
  • renegaden. 叛徒,变节者,判党者 adj. 背弃的,叛徒的 v