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日期:2011-09-20 07:10




[OE] The people and language of England take their name from the Angles, a West Germanic people who settled in Britain in the 5th and 6th centuries AD. They came originally from the Angul district of Schleswig, an area of the Jutland peninsula to the south of modern Denmark. This had a shape vaguely reminiscent of a fishhook, and so its inhabitants used their word for ‘fishhook’ (a relative of modern English angler and angling) to name it.

To fish with a hook and line.
To try to get something by using schemes, tricks, or other artful means:
The figure formed by two lines diverging from a common point
The space between such lines or surfaces
A sharp or projecting corner, as of a building
An aspect, as of a problem, seen from a specific point of view.See Synonyms at phase
Informal To impart a biased aspect or point of view to
vi. 钓鱼;调整(或对准)…的角度;谋取
n. 轮廓鲜明的突出体,突出的角状物 ;角度,角落;屋角;(新闻编辑报道等的)倾向性;侧重点,侧重,方面

from various (或different)angles 从各种不同的角度
get a new angle on something [口语]用新的观点来看问题
know all the angles [口语] 懂行,在行;晓得诀窍 ;熟悉风土人情
play the angles [俚语]利用一切方法,不择手段

These novels mirror life in today's Japan from various angles.
If you look at the quarrel from another angle, you will see how funny it all was.
He tried to angle for her attention.

Having, forming, or consisting of an angle or angles.
Measured by an angle or by degrees of an arc.
Bony and lean; gaunt: an angular face.
Lacking grace or smoothness; awkward: an angular gait.
Rigid, stiff, and unyielding in character or disposition: “the cold, angular brand of materialism” (David K. Willis).
adj. [生物] 有角的;生硬的,笨拙的;瘦削的;棱角分明的

He has a more angular figure than his father.

the joint which connects the foot to the leg, or the thin part of the leg just above the foot
n. 踝关节,踝

a heavy metal object that is attached to a rope or chain and dropped over the side of a ship or boat to keep it in one place
(written) a person or thing that gives sb a feeling of safety
to lower an anchor from a boat or ship in order to prevent it from moving away
to fix sth firmly in position so that it cannot move
~ sb/sth (in / to sth) to firmly base sth on sth else:
to be the person who introduces reports or reads the news on television or radio
n. 锚;抛锚停泊;靠山;新闻节目主播
v. 抛锚;使固定;主持节目
adj. 末捧的;最后一棒的


pentagon five finger fist pen+t+a+gon
polygon of five angles and five sides
n. 五角形

the Pentagon [美国英语]五角大楼(美国国防部的办公大楼,位于弗吉尼亚的阿灵顿

protagonist pro+t+a+gon+ist
the main character in a play, film/movie or book
one of the main people in a real event, especially a competition, battle or struggle
an active supporter of a policy or movement, especially one that is trying to change sth:
n. 主角,主演;主要人物,领导者

diagonal from angle to angle
(of a straight line) at an angle; joining two opposite sides of sth at an angle:
a straight line that joins two opposite sides of sth at an angle; a straight line that is at an angle
adj. 斜的;对角线的;斜纹的
n. 对角线;斜线

Draw a diagonal line to divide the square into two triangles.

canteen corner can+t+een小

[Date: 1700-1800; Language: French; Origin: cantine, from Italian cantina 'wine store', from canto 'corner', from Latin cantus; CANT13]

BrE a place in a factory, school etc where meals are provided, usually quite cheaply
a small container in which water or other drink is carried by soldiers, travellers etc
A flask for carrying drinking water, as on a hike
A box with compartments for carrying cooking gear and eating utensils.
n. 食堂,小卖部;水壶;饭盒

  • gracen. 优美,优雅,恩惠 vt. 使荣耀,使优美
  • rigidadj. 僵硬的,刻板的,严格的
  • materialismn. 唯物主义,唯物论,实利主义
  • stiffadj. 硬的,僵直的,生硬的,拘谨的,不灵活的 adv
  • jointadj. 联合的,共同的,合资的,连带的 n. 关节,接
  • informaladj. 非正式的,不拘形式的
  • smoothnessn. 平滑;柔滑;平坦
  • quarreln. 吵架,争论,怨言 vi. 吵架,争论,挑剔
  • preventv. 预防,防止
  • awkwardadj. 笨拙的,尴尬的,(设计)别扭的