accurate curator sure secure security
accurate ['ækjurit] care
correct and true in every detail
able to give completely correct information or to do sth in an exact way:
an accurate throw, shot, weapon, etc. hits or reaches the thing that it was aimed at
adj. 精确的;准确的;精密的
The new salesgirl is accurate at figures.
His information was accurate.
curator [kjuə'reitə] take care of负责;照顾;关怀
one who has the care and superintendence of something especially : one in charge of a museum, zoo, or other place of exhibit
person in charge of a museum, an art gallery, etc
n. (博物馆、 美术馆等的)馆长;管理者
sure [ʃuə]
adj. 确信的;可靠的;稳当的;必定的;[古语]无危险的,安全的
adv. 当然;的确
【根】se-=away,apart=free from;cure=to take care(注意;留心)
(especially of objects, situations etc.) able to avoid being harmed by any risk, danger or threat
to make certain something is protected from danger or risk
positioned or fixed firmly and correctly and therefore not likely to move, fall or break
A secure place is one that it is difficult to get out of or escape from
to fasten one object firmly to another
to get something, sometimes with difficulty:
having few worries or doubts about yourself and your personal relationships:
adj. 安全的;无忧虑的;有把握的;稳当的;牢靠的;监禁起来的,不能逃脱的;妥善保管着的
v使安全;保护;引起;招致;弄到;获得; 把...弄牢;(用绳索)缚牢,绑住;缚住;关紧;船抛锚;【海】(船上人员)停止工作
Now my house is secure against burglary.
You have made me feel secure.
Some measures are needed to secure the farmland against shifting sand.
His words secured his father's displeasure.
It is highly necessary to secure against the dangers of the coming typhoon.
security [si'kjuəriti] bond
the activities involved in protecting a country, building or person against attack, danger, etc
the department of a large company or organization that deals with the protection of its buildings, equipment and staff
protection against sth bad that might happen in the future
a valuable item, such as a house, that you agree to give to sb if you are unable to pay back the money that you have borrowed from them:
(securities) [pl.] (finance) documents proving that sb is the owner of shares, etc. in a particular company
n. 安全;安全感;保证;保障;担保;[常用复数]证券;股票,债券;抵押品;担保(品)
adj. 安全的;保安的;保密的
A life-insurance policy may serve as security for a loan.
He traded in securities and became rich.
They tightened security during the President's visit.
foment fever
foment ['fəument]
formal to cause trouble and make people start fighting each other or opposing the government
(formal) to create trouble or violence or make it worse
apply warmth and moisture to (a part of the body) to lessen pain or discomfort
To treat (the skin, for example) by fomentation.
vt. 煽动;挑起;热敷
His word finally foment her hostility.