梅林传奇第1季第11集:The Labyrinth of Gedref 迷宫(18)
日期:2017-06-28 10:37


There are some supplies left in the palace stores. We're distributing them to the people. But there is not enough to live on. They will not survive for long.
Then you must stop distributing food to the people.
They will starve.
We must conserve the food we have for our army.
We cannot let our people go without food. We must defend the kingdom at all costs.
但我们不能眼看着人民挨饿。 我们必须不惜一切代价保卫王国。
What is the point of defending a kingdom when it's people are starving to death? What would you have me do? !
人民都快饿死了保护王国还有什么用? 你要我怎么做?
Ask the neighbouring kingdoms for help. They may be able to spare some food.
I have a question. As soon as they realise how we weak we are, our enemies will strike against us.
You don't know that... Besides, I would rather starve than beg my enemies for help.
你又不知道他们会... 另外,我宁愿挨饿也不向邻国乞讨。
What of our kingdom's reputation? Have you no pride?
I cannot think of my pride when our people go hungry. They are all I can think of.
Give the order to stop distributing food to the people. Is that understood?
