梅林传奇第1季第5集:Lancelot 兰斯洛特(8)
日期:2017-01-23 09:34


He's, uh...trying out for the knights.
The first code of Camelot has never been broken for any man. What have you done, Merlin?
I bent the rules a little. But the rules are wrong, they're unfair.
You bent the rules using magic?
It was nothing, honestly. It was more of a trick than actual magic.
Your magic is not a toy and it's not for you to use or abuse as you see fit.I know. I know. Then why did you do it?
魔法可不是你信手拈来的玩具也不是你觉得合适就拿来使用或者滥用的。我知道。我知道啦。 那你干嘛还要这样做?
I owe Lancelot my life. I am paying for that debt the only way I can by giving him the opportunity he deserves.
If you want to punish me for it, go ahead.
Not bad. Would you like me to sweep the guardhouse agian, sire?
不错嘛。 需要我再扫一下卫兵室吗,陛下?
It certainly needs sweeping. First, I'd like you to kill me. Sire.
那里确实需要打扫了。不过首先,杀了我。 陛下。
Come on. Don't pretend you don't want to. Hell, if I were you, I'd want to.
来吧 别装了。如果我是你,早就想这么做了。
Come on. Come on, Lancelot. You're not beating a carpet.Congratulations, Lancelot. You just made basic trainning.
How is she? OK.
她怎么样? 没事。
What happened to these people?Their village was attacked by a winged monster.
