爱在黎明破晓前(MP3+中英字幕) 第40期:久别重逢
日期:2016-12-25 16:37


Anyway, I got here, right, and now we're reunited, at long last, and we went out to dinner, our first night ah, with six of her friends.
Pedro, Antonio, Gonzalo Maria, Suzy from home you know?
She pretty much managed to avoid being alone with me for the first couple of days we were there, and I stuck around for a while, just to kind of let it really sink in that she wished I hadn't come.
So I bought the cheapest flight out of Europe, this one leaving out of Vienna tomorrow.
But it didn't leave for a couple of weeks. So, I bought this Eurail pass, you know?
You know what's the worst thing about somebody breaking up with you?
It's when you remember how little you thought about the people you broke up with, and you realize that that is how little they're thinking about you, you know
You know you'd like to think you're both in pain but really, they're just, "Hey, I'm glad you're gone."
你以为双方都会感觉痛苦,但实际上却是 "嘿,很高兴你离开"。
Believe me, I know.
You should look at bright colors. What?
你该注意积极的一面。 什么?
