My fresh men's philosopher,assigned this exercise.In forward thinking,he called it a bucket list.
There was a survey once.A 1000 people when asked,if they could know in advance would they want to know the exact day of their death.96% of them,said no.I always kind of leaned,towards the other 4%.I thought,it would be of liberating.Knowing,how much time,we had left to work with.It turns out,it's not.
Don't think about money.That's all I got,is money.
What'd you think happens now?I go back sit around and listen to people talking about messeliene financing and suporrtonating debt?Pretending that I care about death money?You go home to some ceremonial procession in the death.With everyone standing around watching you die.While you're trying to comfort them.Is that what you want?To be smothered by pity and grieve.
The way I see it,we can lay around here,hoping for a miracle with some bull shit science experiment.Or we can put some moves on.We live and we die,and the wheels on the bus go round and round.
Cold...Mostly...during the day,the sky is more black than blue.There isn't enough air,to reflect the sunlight.But at night,you've never seen so many starts.It seems like they're just out of reach and so bright.They're like little holes in the floor of heaven.
I read about a man,that made it to the summit.And standing there,at the top of the world.He experienced a profound silence.It was like all sounds just fell away.And that's when he heard it.The sound of the mountain.He said,it was like he heard the voice of God.
Just because,I told you my story,does not invite you,to be a part of it.
Dear,heavenly Father,we wanna thank you for this day.For having our family here together once again.Lord,we just wanna thank you,for returning my husband and their father.
Viginia said,I left as a stranger,and came back a husband.I owe that to you.There's no way I can repay you,for all you've done for me.So,rather than try,I just want to ask you,to do something else for me.Find the joy in your life.
My pastor always says,our lives are streams.Flowing in to the same river.Towards whatever heaven leys,in the mist beyond the falls.My dear friend,close your eyes.And let the waters take you home.
But the last months of his life were the best months of mine.He saved my life,and he knew it before I did.
And I'm pretty sure,he was happy with his final resting place.Because he was buried on a moutain.And that was against the law.